Chapter 5- Meeting up the S.H.H

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Meanwhile, Rocky and bullwinkle were hiding in the bush, making sure the robot armies didn't notice them.

"Ok, B-Babe. Here's the plan." Rocky said while giving bullwinkle a cute nickname "All we gonna do is find the magic pen, get to C. Rabbit's ship, destroy the magic pencil he saved, and everything will all over.".

Bullwinkle begin to confused.

"But how? We don't know where it is.".

As rocky and bullwinkle tried to think of anything. Suddenly, a Black van appear signed "Unmarked van" close to them after the tires screech.

The van opens in slide door. Bullwinkle and Rocky thought they are finally caught. But lucky, it wasn't C. Rabbit or the robot armies.

It was no other than the S.H.H Spies. And as the shadows walk between them was Director Peachfuzz.

Rocky and bullwinkle notice she isn't wearing her suit and tie but instead, she's wearing a sleeveless black sweater top with a yellow shoulder-off top

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Rocky and bullwinkle notice she isn't wearing her suit and tie but instead, she's wearing a sleeveless black sweater top with a yellow shoulder-off top. They find it confused

"Boys..." She said "...I need your help. Please hop on the van and we will discuss it when get there.".

As rocky sweat a bit from the nervous, he asked.

"Uh... how? We can't go to New York. We're trapped.".

Bullwinkle put a hand on Rocky's shoulder as he interrupted.

"Actually, We're kind of busy here an-"

Peachfuzz's tone begin to change into a threat.

"If you DON'T come with me, We can not find your kids!".

Rocky and Bullwinkle were shocked what peachfuzz said with that tone of hers. They had to listen what she demand.

As they hop on the van, Peachfuzz sighed.

"I'm sorry.. i-i don't know what got into me.".

Rocky and bullwinkle look at her in confused.

"You always rise your voice at us, whatever we did something stupid.".

Peachfuzz ain't look at the duo while she was feeling of speechless and anguish.


Meanwhile somewhere in frostbite falls, A Main S.H.H building from the reboot's beginning.

Rocky and bullwinkle follows peachfuzz during the halls are similar to her big one back in new York.

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