Chapter 10

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Yeats passed and you kept doing missions for the Akatsuki. You never stopped thinking about Neji, but by this point, the pain had settled down and it was nothing more than a wish. Neji continued to think of you as well. He was never the same after you left. He cut himself off from the world. He didn't talk to anyone if he didn't have to. He went on missions and trained with the team but as soon as it was over he would go home. Hinata would attempt to get him out of the house but it never worked. When Itachi died, you had no more relations with the Akatsuki. You mourned your adopted older brother's death. Nothing was holding you back anymore so you decided to wander from village to village to see the world. It was much bigger than you thought.

One day you ran into a ninja team from the Hidden Leaf. Ino was in that team. She made eye contact with you.


She ran over to you.

"Hi Ino.."

"How have you been?!"

"Ok I guess.."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry I left without saying anything.."

"That was years ago! I'm just happy to see you're ok! Neji didn't really tell us what happened.. Oh my god!! Neji! He'll want to see youuuuuuu."

"I don't know Ino.. I don't think I'm ready to go back.."

"Pleaseeeeeee," she begged.



On the way back to the village you couldn't help but feel anxious. You played with your fingers as you and Ino's team took your time heading back to the village. When you arrived, Ino ran off to tell the others. You headed back to your old compound and decided to rest. Sometime later you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to reveal Ino, Sakura, Tenten, and Hinata.


They tackled you in a bear hug while Ino stood there and giggled. She had already hugged you so she let the others have their turn.

"Alright! Let's get down to business," Ino said clapping her hands together.


You looked at them confused. They dragged you off to one of the bedrooms and threw a bag at you. You opened it to reveal a beautiful (f/c) colored dress. (Imagine it without the gold)

"What's this," you asked, clearly confused

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"What's this," you asked, clearly confused.

"You'll see," Tenten said mischievously.

A look of concern appeared on your face. They all laughed at your expression.

"Hinata, go get him ready!"

"O-ok," she said excitedly.

Get who ready? What was going on? You just got here and were already bombarded with things.

"Go on," they urged as you went into the bathroom to change.

You came out and their jaws dropped.

"Oh my god! You look gorgeous (y/n)," shouted Sakura.

"T-thank you, but I still don't understa-"

"Shush, you'll see."

They all sat in a circle around you and did your hair and makeup. Was this thing that important? The girls were making a big deal out of it so it must be. You wanted to see Sato and say hi. You left out of the blue right as he confessed his feelings for you so he might think it was his fault you left. When the girls were done they pushed in front of the mirror. You face went pink at the sight of you.

"T-thanks guys.."

"Of course (y/n)!"

"May I ask why though?"

You turned to look at them. They looked at each other and giggled.

"You'll see."

Tenten went to go check on Hinata, when she came she said 'it's time.' You were still so confused. They wrapped a blindfold around you before leading you out the door and to a new location. When you got there, you felt someone in front of you as the girls rushed off.

"You can take the blindfolds off now," they yelled.

You both took off your blindfolds. In front of you stood a man with long, dark hair, and pale eyes. He looked a lot like Neji. Your eyes widened as you realized it was Neji. You both stood there in silence. You didn't leave things off very well with one another.

"I-I'll just go.."

You started to turn around before Neji stopped you.

"Please don't go.. I can't bear the thought of you leaving again.."

You couldn't see his face as it was pointed to the ground. You saw tiny drops of water fall to the ground from his face. Was he crying?

"Neji I-"

"No (y/n). Do you know how long I've spent waiting for you? All I wanted was for you to come back. When you left I was never the same. I don't want to lose you again.. so please.. don't leave.."


He slowly brought his hands to your face. He stopped them on your cheeks. He leaned down to your face and brought his lips to yours. You kissed him back as tears began to roll down your face. When he pulled away, you pulled him back in for one last kiss. He wrapped his arms around your back and lifted you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. You missed him so much. You were finally back and Neji was here with you.

"You look beautiful," he whispered in your ear.

"So do you."

He kissed you on the cheek and spun you around in his arms.

"Neji," you giggled.

A few minutes later, you both walked home. The girls had left but taken plenty of pictures. When you got to your house Neji refused to leave your side. He stayed the night and you both cuddled in bed. Leaving him was the biggest regret of your life. Never again will you let yourself be torn apart from him.

The End

Words: 975

Why can't I see you? (Neji x reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now