chapter forty. chess

Start from the beginning

"Coach, you don't get it. You can't just let him play this one game?" I tried.

The man shook his head as he sighed, "McCall, no. Not tonight. Tonight, you're on the bench. But it's good news for other McCall, you're gonna be first line." He said, patting me on the shoulder.

I bit back my smile as my brother sighed, storming out of the locker room. I followed after him, stopping on the sidelines as I spotted him sitting next to Stiles on the bench.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around, a smile being brought to my face as I realized my girlfriend was standing behind me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, the girl smiling as I hugged her. I pulled away, looking her up and down for a moment. She looked different. The look in her eyes, even the clothes she was wearing. It was still very fashionable but more subtle, nothing too glamorous. She seemed more humble and quiet. "You okay?" I asked in concern, interlocking our hands together.

Lydia nodded, "Yeah. Fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

I frowned, "Lydia. Now that you know that I have - special abilities and all, you should know that I can tell whenever you're lying. Actually, I would know even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat because I just know you but," The girl sighed, looking down. "What's going on?"

She shook her head, "It's - we should talk about it after the game, I don't want you to be distracted thinking about it. Also, you look very hot in your uniform."

I chuckled, "Thank you, but now I'm gonna be even more distracted because I'm gonna be thinking about it all night because I don't know what it is!" I exclaimed in fake worry.

"Devin." She called, the look in her eye telling me to drop it. She looked so cute when she was annoyed. It was funny because she was so short and couldn't seem threatening even if she wanted to.

I rose my hands, "Okay, fine, fine. I'll drop it. I have to go. Are you sitting with my mom and Stiles' dad in the stands?"

She shrugged, "Yeah sure, why not."

I smiled, "Okay." I placed a quick kiss on her lips before I jogged back over to the rest of the team.

I sat on the bench next to Stiles, "It's going to be bad, isn't it?" I heard him say to Scott. "I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?"

"Looks like it." Scott answered, trying not to show how worried he seemed. Even though I could tell because of the way his leg kept bouncing up and down.

Stiles sighed, "Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just - I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you guys can do." Stiles mumbled in despair. I frowned, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay." My brother assured him, a look of compassion in his eyes.

"We're losing, dude."

"The hell are you talking about?" Coach interrupted, sticking his head in between us. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."

Stiles' eyes widened, "What? What happened to Greenberg?"

Coach snorted, "What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less."

Stiles shot up, "I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"

"Yes, unless you'd rather... play with yourself."

Stiles looked at the man blankly, "I already did that today, twice."

"Oh, dude, gross!" I said as I jogged onto the field.

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