chapter eleven. teen wolf

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I drew in my notebook as I sat in Coach's class, waiting for Scott and Stiles to arrive. I had been working on something for a couple days now. I didn't know if it was because I needed a distraction or because this was the only way I could express my feelings. I just wanted these days to be over with. It seemed like every day was either such a drag, or infiltrated with a bunch of werewolf stuff. I knew that things were never going back to normal but I just wished that everything wasn't always about Scott. I knew that sounded selfish but I was getting tired of the hunters, Derek, the Alpha, Allison, Stiles, everything.

I hadn't talked to Lydia since the other day. I'd pass her in the hall all the time but there never seemed to be a right time to stop and talk with her. She was either always with Allison or Jackson. I thought about texting her but I knew that wasn't a good idea. You couldn't hear tone or see the expression on her face through text so I would just be equally as confused. I kind of wanted to tell Allison what she told me but there just hasn't been time.

"Hey, Stiles, sit behind me, dude." I heard Scott say. I looked up, seeing Stiles scramble over to the seat behind Scott, coming face-to-face with Allison as she stood in front of the seat. Stiles awkwardly took his leg over the metal rod that held the seat and the desk together before he sat in the chair in front of me. I stifled a laugh as Allison sat behind Scott. That whole avoiding her thing was not going well.

"I haven't seen you all day." Allison said, talking to the side of Scott's face. He wouldn't turn fully to face her because he was trying to get out of the conversation but it wasn't working.

"Uh, yeah. I've been, uh, super busy." He said, rubbing his arm nervously.

"When are you gonna get your phone fixed? I feel like I'm totally disconnected from you." She chuckled, leaning over her desk. I felt bad for the girl honestly. She was totally in the dark. I just felt like in order for them to have an actually good relationship, she should know the truth. He couldn't lie to her forever.

"Uh, soon. Real soon."

"I changed lab partners, by the way." She grinned.

"Oh. To who?"

"To you, dummy."

I cringed as did Scott. She was not making it easy. "Me? I mean, are you sure?" He said, obviously not enthusiastic about it. I tried not to make it seem like I was eavesdropping but I was honestly invested.

Allison giggled, "Yeah. This way I have an excuse to bring you home and study." She didn't get a response from Scott, the boy just looking across the floor awkwardly. The expression on her face changed to an embarrassed one. "You don't mind, do you?"

"I just - I don't want to bring your grade down."

"Well, I mean, maybe I can bring your grade up." She offered, a look of insecurity and a little sorrow in her eyes. "Come to my place tonight. 8:30?"


"8:30." She repeated before the bell rang. Scott glanced back at me and Stiles as she flipped open her textbook. I shook my head, sending him a look that said 'you're fucked' before he turned back around. He could probably just come up with another lie but it definitely just gonna seem like an excuse. And then it was gonna put a tear on their relationship.

"Let's settle down." Coach Finstock ordered, stepping in the middle of the classroom. "Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading." Many students raised their hands, me not being one of them. I literally never did any assigned reading unless I knew there was gonna be a test the next day. "Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading." I let out a snort, watching as Coach's eyes scanned the class. "How about, uh - McCall." He called, his eyes trained on Scott.

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