Chapter 20

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I woke up. Michael and Daniel were getting ready to leave. They had their clothes on and turned back to me

They told me they love me and left. I looked at the clock across from my bed. It's 1:19 in the morning. I got up and went to the bathroom

I started the shower and brushed my teeth as steam starts to fill the room

I washed out my mouth and got into the shower. I usually take between 40-50 minutes to take and shower and now u actually can with those annoying ass guards coming in

I remember Aiden told me that they stocked the drawers in this bedroom that is now mine, with clothes for me

Once I was done showering, I pat dried my skin and walked back into 'my' room

I looked in the drawer and picked out something to wear

I did my skincare, lotion and put on deodorant. I took the clothes and put them on

I was fixing my bandana then got interrupted by someone knocking on my door and calling out my name

I walked to the door and unlocked it for the guard that knocked

"Why are you up so early?" I asked

"I could ask you the same thing. I need you to come with me."

"What for?"

"I'll explain in the way"

I went with them and they began to speak

"So you remember the Silver Eye from the attack not to long ago right?"

"Yeah. Is there another attack or something?"

He opened a door for me and when I walked in I saw the guys, Aiden, Naja and a few more guards

"I told you not to involve my sister you dick" Aiden snapped

Naja signed him to not continue. The guard ignored him

"Not exactly. We found their hideout and we're planning on blowing it up."

Naja and Aiden called me over. The guard stood at the front of the room

"This is one of our drone surveillance of the group known as the Silver's Eyed base. Here's a model of the inside. Instead of waiting for them to make another attack, we need to attack first. Two of you will be chosen for this by . When I call your name, please come forward. Stu Macher... and Y/n L/n."

We both went up and were given some gear then were told "This is a big opportunity for the both of you. And if you don't make it back and the Silver Eyed, catch you, make sure you die. L/n you'll be sniper on the right patrol tower closer to us. Macher you'll go in with Rafael and Mace. Rafael.. Mace" he said the names again and snapped his fingers, signaling for them to come forward

They were in full body gear and everything

"If you have better ideas that'll make this easier then speak now. Everyone else is dismissed"

Everyone that knew me, hesitated before walking out the room. Aiden looked upset about the fact that he didn't want me involved

"We should take the clothes from the ones we killed so we'd blend in easily. It wouldn't be smart for me to be at the patrol tower because once I take the first shot, the other three snipers would notice something thing wrong when I kill a Silver Eyed. I need somewhere else. More hidden but not yo far. Or you could just let me go with them. Before we even go in, we have to take out the snipers first then take their clothes. Assuming that we'll be using some type of explosive and going to be using a lot of them, how do you plan on sneaking them in?" I spoke without any sign or second of hesitation

"O- oh well, you have this thought through and no, we won't be sneaking in the explosives because they'll be waiting for you in their supply room.
If they ask Stu, Rafael and Mace or possibly you, who you are, say you're new and just talked to Gray. I think I should leave the rest to you Y/n. You seem to share the gift for strategizing"

Time Skip
3:40 AM

We were outside. I was at my tower and the other 3 took the other three towers

"Okay. After three. One... Two... Three". I opened a trap door that went up and put the Silver Eyed into a choke hold as I stabbed them in the side of their neck. I covered their mouth and slowly laid them down on the floor

Why the fuck do I have to do this shit. I just wanna go home. It's been a minute since I seen Freddy, Brahms and Jason for a minute now. Ima see what I can do bout this

I had my sniper weapon on my back (which ever one you'd like)

I took the clips and ammo from the unconscious shooter I just took down. Now I have to kill them

I can't care. I just have to do it whether I want to or not

I wanted to go silent so I took out my combat knife and I took their helmet off and stabbed them four times in the forehead and throat

I wiped the blood off my knife and set up my gun and shot the two guards that were patrolling the entrance

No fucking going back now

I put my gun back on my back and got down from the tower. I met up with the guys by one of the walls that kept people out

The two people I shot were on the floor with their blood still spilling from their heads

I kneed down to one of them and checked their pockets

"What are you looking for?" Stu asked

I pulled out a key card and a walkie talkie. "These"

"I'll boost you up then pull me up" Mace said stepping forward to me

"Ah- no let me do it" Stu interrupts

Stu bent down slightly and cuffed his hands together. I stepped into his hand and he pushed his hands up

I got a grip on the wall and pulled myself up. I turned around and pulled Stu up

He helped me pull up Mace and Rafael. We went in using the key card

Rafael made sure the hall was empty before tell us to follow him. He was about to go into a room but I told him to stop cause I heard voices

I hid behind a wall and took out a knife. When I saw the two owners of the voices, I went up behind one of them and covered their mouth, then stabbed them in the throat

I laid them on the floor and the second person turned around. I covered their mouth so they couldn't yell

He punched me in the stomach and I kicked him, sending him to fall on his back

I killed them and took both of their key cards and gave one to Mace and Rafael just incase we get split up

This is literally some kind of fucked up movie

Obsession Started in a Crisis: Slashers x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now