Chapter 6

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There, I saw my little brother lying on the ground and rolled up in a ball covering his stomach with blood all over his shirt and Eli holding a bloody knife

I was filled up with anger, fire and rage

I bolted at Eli and punched him as hard as I could in his nose

I threw him on the ground and took his knife. I stabbed it into his arm and sliced all the way up to his hand

I'm not going to kill him yet. I want to make him suffer

I threw the knife and started punching him as hard as I could. I got off him, standing up and started stomping on him stomach with one of my legs and kicked his jaw

I heard Billy and Stu calling my name and running up to me

I looked a Eli as started choking him

"I never begged for my life and I'm not gonna start now" Eli said coughing and blood running down his nose

Billy picked up Jamie and ran back inside, then Pennywise and Michael came outside

Stu tried calming down but I didn't listen

I grabbed Eli by the collar, dragging on the floor and slammed him up against a tree

I kneed down to his level since he was sitting up against the tree. He turned his head away from me and spit up blood

"You fucking bitch, who else is coming?! Huh?" He didn't answer me so I punched him in the jaw

I leaned down to his ear "He's fucking six years old and you thought it would be a good idea to stab him, I'm going to make you suffer every single second as he fucking cries in pain"

I moved back a bit and he looked at me "bullshit" he said in a firm tone and spit on my shirt

I stood up and kicked him in the stomach then his jaw

"Where's my fucking brother, you piece of shit!" He yelled

I looked into the distance and saw Liam's body still lying on the floor. I pointed to it "right there"

"What did you do?!"

"I fucking killed him!"


"You know why, and you know what he did to me. You knew everything and you didn't do, SHIT!" I punched him again on the last part

"What did you do his friends he came with"

"You wanna see? Get your dirty ass up" I said grabbing his arm and making him stand up

I dragged him past his brother's body and to the metal shed and pushed him to stand in the door way of it

"You wanna be like them?"

He kept quiet he said making eye contact with me. Eli was never like this, he used to be a good kid until he went on his brother's side. He knew I was being serious, he just wanted to front. But, if Eli really was on his brother's side, he would have killed Jamie instead of wound him

"If he dies, you will be one of them but for you, it will be a slower death, maybe burning or drowning"

"I'm sorry, My brother told me to. He's not going to die I promise but you have to let me explain everything, I didn't have a choice, I swear" he whispered to me as if he didn't want anyone else to hear

I started thinking about it until Billy came up next to me "I'll put him in the basement" he whispered into my ear

"Mhm, that's fine"

Obsession Started in a Crisis: Slashers x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now