Chapter 1

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(Sonics Pov)

Opening my eyes only led to darkness so I just kept them closed. A cloth, which I realised was my bandanna, had been tied over my eyes so I had no chance of seeing. I had tried multiple times to shake the bandanna off of my face but it hung on, not even shifting.

My wrist pressed against the cold feeling of metal as I searched for what was holding me up. Running my fingertips along the band I realised it was wrapped around my gloves, maybe I could.. or..? But it might not work.. I shut my eyes tight, and strained against the metal, trying to pull my hand free of my glove. All that changed was now I had two painfully sore wrists.

Sighing I let myself fall limp, I was weak and pathetic.. I couldn't even save the ones I loved when it came time. I took a shuddering breath. Think positive was what I was always told to do in bad situations, but what was positive here? I was chained to a wall without sight. And I could still feel the painful stinging from the scratches I received earlier.


Through the air Tails carried me, we were chasing Egghead down for the second time today. He had let loose what felt like a hundred bots in the village, then ran away! We weren't having that!

"Sonic? Where'd Robotnik go?" We started hovering in the spot, confused. Eggman was just there, right infront of us only a moment ago.. How did he slip away?

"Hmm, maybe we should la-" Tails dropped me with a yelp as something exploded next to his head. Then we were both free falling from the sky.. Down and down into the trees below.

I shook my head beck into focus and tried to figure out a plan, but it was to late. I smashed into a tree, causing me to crumble into a blue heap as I fell from branch to branch before I hit the grass. Just before darkness swallowed me I saw - the now unconscious - Tails being caught by.. Eggman..?

(End of flashback)

"EGGMAN!? TAILS?" I screamed out in desperation. The only reply I got was the faint echo of my own voice. Ears pressed tight against my skull I shrunk back against the wall, biting my lip. Was I trapped here alone..?

The wall pressed coldly against my fur, like I was leaning on a wall of fresh ice. I shivered. What if I starved here alone, in the darkness? What if I die and no one ever knows what happened to me..? Sighing I shook my head, clearing all negative thoughts.

Taking a shallow breath I ran forward, my arms forced to stretch out behind me. The bands on my wrists tore painfully at my hands, causing me to fall to my knees. I reached my hand up to wipe away my tears. I paused. My hand. It wasn't stuck in the metal band..

I almost started laughing, I was free. I tore the bandanna off my eyes and blinked them open. Instantly regretting it, I shut them again. I rubbed my face till it was tear free before attempting to open my eyes.

Squinting against the harsh white light, I rose to my feet. The strange room wasn't as strange as I first thought. And the more I looked around the more it looked like a science laboratory.. Wait, this wasn't right..? Who would chain me, Sonic The goddamn Hedgehog, to a wall in a science lab?!

Was this another evil scheme of Eggmans? I never really took him for a science-y guy. Welp, either way I don't like it. I'm definitely outta here.

Taking a small moment to observe my surroundings, there was a lot of things laying around that I could crash into if this went wrong, I prepared myself. Who knew if this went wrong or not? Not me that's for sure!

I ran forward again, yanking my other hand free. "CRAAPP-!?" I shouted, holding my right hand and it bled. "Oh fuck.." I stared down at my once-white glove as it slowly stained red with blood.

A sharp, burning pain shot up my arm, through my already weak body. I winced. Crouching over my arms, I failed to notice the echoing voices approaching.

The door on the far side of the room flung open, crashing against the wall. I froze. My eyes locked with the wolf mobian.. Who wore a white lab coat..

Freedom with the taste of bad luck.

Akira - "I know some have been waiting for this chapter, so here it is! And to that one eager reader (LAILAH) here you go-"

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