
63 9 2

(Unknown pov)

He walked away from me. His black and red streaked quills shuffling in the wind. His fists clenched as they swung at his sides. The blood on his gloves dripping onto the grass, staining them forever scarlet. I watched him leave me here, alone, so many times.. and it hurt. Like a bleeding wound.. the blood burning my skin like acid.

My face was wet with tears, the salty taste was seeping into my mouth. I know I should be feeling anger but the only thing in my heart was despair. A soft sigh sounded from him, or was it from me? I am unsure. He stopped. That's never happened before. He always walks away, into the darkness until next time he wants to return.. His head turned to the side and his eyes burned into mine. I froze. His eyes, they were black. And his iris was only a glowing red orb of pure rage. I couldn't breathe. It felt like all the air had left my lungs. What ever was going on..?

My eyes locked with his, sapphire and ruby. As different as the rising of the moon and setting of the sun. I wanted to blink, or look away, or anything that would free me from the storm tunnel the was closing in around us. The fury in his eyes shook me to the bone..

Then he spoke, his deep, strangely scratchy, voice filling the horrible silence between us. It seemed to echo through the trees towering far above, rumbling back down upon us. My ears pressed firmly against my skull as I watched his mouth thin into a insanic grin. "Chaos.. spear!" Then something was flung towards me.

Somethings different.
Akira - "Sorry the prologue is quite short, in my eyes I couldn't find anything extra to add that wouldn't just come off as unnecessary. Please if you see any mistakes, alert me! It's a huge help if you do :D"

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