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Don't mind the fact that it's way to fucking late in the goddamn year to write a Halloween oneshot. But I'm hyperfixed on a horror movie and since Halloween and horror movies usually go together I thought why not :)
Third person pov
"Aren can you help me? I can't get my fangs to stay on." Kaidou said as he turned to Aren who was in the kitchen pouring candy into a bowl.

Aren and Kaidou were currently getting ready for Halloween. It was 5:00 so it gave them around an hour until most kids started showing up. Unless there were early trick or treaters.

Aren was dressed as a mummy, and already had his costume on. Kaidou on the other hand didn't. So he stood in front of the hallway mirror and tried to glue his fangs on.

"Yeah sure shun, what do you need help with?" Aren said as he walked over. "My fucking fangs won't glue on." Kaidou said as he turned to look at Aren.

"So how am I supposed to help?" Aren asked as he look at how horrible Kaidou had one of his fangs in. "I don't know." Kaidou said as he took it out.

"Here." Aren said as he took one of Kaidous fangs and put glue on it. "Open your mouth." Aren asked, Kaidou obeyed and opened his mouth, watching Aren put the fang on his tooth. (Don't even fucking ask how he watched him do it)

He then watched Aren repeat the same step with the other fang. "There, now look how cute you look." Aren said as he kissed Kaidous cheek.

"Okay now let's go wait outside for trick or treaters." Kaidou said smiling as he watched Aren grab the bowl of candy.

They both walk outside and sit on the patio. Kaidou handed out candy, while Aren tried to scare kids. He successfully did so to some kids.

This is the worst fucking thing I've ever written but anyways follow my TikTok it's

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