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"Porche we can come." Jom said.

Porche shake his head.

"Stay and I need you here. Nont and you can work on the tracking together." Porche said while loading his guns.

"Others can come." Jom suggested.

"No Jom this is personal." Porche answered.

"Porche you can't go alone." Wayne said.

"This is personal." Porche said.

"Then I am with you." Wayne said.

"No. I need you to stay here." Porche said.

"How come no body told us Porchay is kidnapped!" A mad voice barged in. Porche cousin.

"Uncle told us." Another said

"I should have not let him date Kim." One said.

"Who are these?" Big asked.

"My cousins." Porche said.

"All geared up" Porche said.

"We are ready" Ken said.

"No Ken,Nont no. And you are even injured Big and Pete." Porche said.

"Kinn even you." Porche saying straight at Kinn's eyes.

"I will come" Kinn insisted.

"No Kinn. They are expecting you to be there." Porche said.

"And so you are that's why they have Chay." Kinn said.

"You are just being saved from them please stay." Porche said.

"They have Chay this is personal" Porche added. With pleading eyes for Kinn to stay.

"They also have my brother mung!" Kinn said strongly.

"If Khun Kinn goes.
Then shadows prepare to be back up.

Porche and team go in first.
Shadows Khun Kinn is with you. Nont and Ken take care of Khun Kinn. Jom will be with you.

Porche be calm and cool.
Shadows. Gear up!"

Wayne instructed

Porche hates the idea.

But the shadows will take care of Kinn.
He trusts the shadows.

Porche and his cousins ride Wayne's car. They did not hide they show themselves let all hell loose now.

(Wait if you read my works from my first account. You should probably knows by now. It's my expression 'let all hell loose. ;) )

Porche and his cousin shots anyone they encounter. The youngest have his machine gun directed on the the entrance.

He stays in one place and shielded. Because he is the youngest one cousin protects him.

"Porche team are in" Wayne shouted

Kinn and the shadow's offense diffense team received the .message they also moved forward. Chay and Kim run towards them.

Kinn then took the two to the machine gun side.
The machine gun guy hugged Chay.

"Mr. Kinn stay here with them please
Jom Ken and Nont be with them." Tempt said.
"The bait worked. You are here." Tawan said.

"The hell you are still alive." Porche shouted.

"Who are these" he asked.

"We are cousins" one said.

"We can all die here." Tawan said.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now