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Kinn's mood is happy and he is looking forward to meet Porche again later.

Though Porche leave with the shadows last night. What Porche did yesterday make him flutter.
The effort Porche put on it are counted every detail.

So he thinks, no matter what the day brings. He can face it.

He read about the contract. From the beginning he knows he keeps option 2.

Option 1 is the will benefit starts at 35million Bhat annually, if he comply with the condition of marrying one of the offerings of their Don.

Option 2 starts with 10 Million Bhat and other interests. Depends on how the Company goes.
In return of protection and security in the bussineß industry.

He is ready.

He gets out of the quarter and his bodyguards waits for him.
"Where is Porche?" He asked.

"Khun Kinn, he is still on a leave." Big said.

He then get inside the car.

Silence inside the car
Kinn drink a little water.
He wiped his lips and suddenly remembered something

That made him smile

He wishes all of these are gone he wants to see Porche.

His thoughts fly back to beach yesterday.
He is like a fool smiling in his own world.

Big and Nont let him be.

They hate to ruin the happy thoughts but they arrived.

"Khun Kinn we are here." Big said.

Kinn get down from the car.

He is still inspired smiling and in good mood.
As he was what ever the day will being.
Yeah pour it on.

The other party waits for him.
But damn.

Kinn slowly changed
His aura became dark.
His face became pale.
And his body wanna collapse.

But he run.
And his bodyguards also did.

He run towards the person he is gonna have the deal with.

"Oh boy!"' the voice in Big's ears said.
"Shadows red alert!" Big again heard it.

Big. Ken . Nont. Pet looked at each other.
Hearing the voice.

"This is shadows boys don't be confused. Porche just left and gave us his radio. He does not wanna see this." The voice said.

"So Porche is with you?" Big asked.

"Was with us. He just left I said." The voice said.

"So Porche was really is here?" Pete asked loudly looking at Kinn.

"Yes and guys focus"the voice said

"Copy that we will." Big said.

Kinn heard what Big and Pete confirmed from the shadows.

Porche was here.
He let go of the hug.

Pete and Big looked at each other.
They saw who they saw.

"Hi Pete. Hi Big." The guys said.

Big and Let just waiid at the guy.

The guy invited Kinn. They entered the place. It is quiet and peaceful it is a nature's restaurant rare to find one in the heart of BKK.

The contract is read again.
Kin chose option 2.

"Are you sure you don't like option 1?" The guy asked.

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