35m bhat

749 28 5

Porche watch from a far using his high tech binoculars.

He can see Kinn.
Pale skin.
Like he will collapse anytime.

Porche is in alarm but Big and Ken are there.
Pete also.
But Pete is frozen. Like he too saw a ghost.

Porche put down the binoculars.
"Update me I cannot watch this" Porche said.

"We got it" Jom said

Porche leaned in the car window.
He closed hi eyes.

An envelope was handed to a young man.

"Open it young man " the old man said.

The young man opened it the details makes his heart stopped from beating.

"If I am to be asked I choose you young man. But it is up to him to choose." The old man said.

"But it is up to him to choose" the young man said.

"I have nothing to offer compared to this. And the old code is changeable. I have nothing to hold on to Master." The young man said.

"Young man." The old man said.

"I pledged and it will be till I die. I am a shadow and will always be. His bodyguard and will always be." The young man said.
"In my family's name I will be faithful. To fulfill my father's wish for me. Whatever the young master decision would be it will be." The young man said.

"May I ask a favor though?"the young man asked.

"Yes" the old man said.

"Can I ask for a day with the young master." The young man asked.

"Yes you may but you have one more work." The old man said.

The young man is happy.

So he planned.
But everything is so together.
His family is facing a giant to enemy.
Then the traitors are slowly revealing.
His brother is falling I love.

Carefully he sorted out for everything.
Good thing Wayne and his other cousin keeps him company through phone. Helping him all through out with all the plans.

By the call of his name. He wakes up.

"Be ready na. They are signing the contract." Wayne said. Through call.

Porche get down from the car.

He walked towards Wayne and gave him the ear piece.

"I thought I can.. but I can't" Porche said.

He ride his bike and drive off.

35M Bhat every year!
Of course!
Why not!
Who am I compared to them?

Welcome to business world. Porche!
Where money is higher than love.
Money is higher than anything.

He chose the millions.
Then I choose the shadows.

Who am I anyway. A bodyguard!
A god damn bodyguard.

He stopped at one bar.
His old working place

He parked his bike well.
He is welcomed by his old manager.

"Wanna play at the bar?" His old manager asked. Now his friend.

Porche smiled.
He washed his hands and .someone gave him an apron.

Porche begin to entertain. Costumers.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now