"No time to explain. Are you guys looking for Eddie?"

"We already found Eddie— I've been looking for you! People are dying out there, Lucas, you scared me to death—"

"Where is Eddie?"

Ginny scoffed. "A-A boathouse on Coal Mill Road."

"Reefer Rick's?" Lucas asked, and Ginny's brow furrowed.

"How the hell do you know about Reefer Rick?" she demanded. "Lucas, are you—"


"Right, sorry."

"You know Eddie killed Chrissy, right?" Lucas said frantically.

Ginny shook her head, even though he couldn't see. "He didn't. Something else did, something from... there. It killed another guy last night."

Lucas was deadly quiet for a moment. "From the... What?"

"It's happening again, Lucas," she told him, setting off on the skateboard again. "But this time, it's worse. Where are you?"

"Ginny, listen, some real bad shit's about to go down. Jason is after Eddie— if he finds him, he's gonna kill him."

Ginny furrowed her brow, trying to remember. "Jason... Jason, the team captain? Chrissy's boyfriend?"

"I'm with him, Andy, and Patrick. I've been trying to tell you guys, but I can only distract them for so long—"

"Where are you?" Ginny demanded.

"Dustin's. But they're not finding anything here, they're gonna go somewhere else."

"Shit..." Ginny ran a hand through her hair, and static stretched over them.

"I'll take them to Hopper's old cabin. Meet us there."

Ginny was headed the right direction already, but it'd take her forever to get to the edge of town on her skateboard. "Okay, but Lucas— be careful."

Lucas didn't answer, her only response being static. Ginny cursed, tucking the walkie into her jacket pocket and taking off down the street, trying to remember the path to Hopper's cabin.

The road ended before the cabin was in sight, so it was dark by the time she arrived, having to stash Max's board and walk the rest of the way.

She spotted Jason, Andy, Patrick, and Lucas all looking into the trunk of Jason's Jeep when she got there. "Lucas!" she called.

The boys whipped around, and Jason narrowed their eyes at her approach. "Who's there?" a deep voice called, shining at flashlight at her.

"It's Ginny Sinclair— Lucas' sister?" she tried, shielding her eyes from the light with her hand.

"Sinclair..." Andy said, grinning. "You didn't tell me this smoke show was your sister."

"Did he need to? We have the same last name," Ginny countered, stopping next to Lucas. She never liked Andy, not in high school and not now.

Jason stared at her with narrowed eyes. "Why are you here?"

Fumbling for an answer, Ginny's eyes flickered to Lucas. "Um..." She brought a faux smile to her lips. "Hunt the freak, right?"

Jason watched her for a long moment, before putting his flashlight on the ground and clearing away some leaves. He made a square with a stray stick, going over the game plan.

"So if Sinclair is right, the freak is hiding here." He drew an X in the dirt. "We move through the woods here together, then Patrick and Andy, you split up. Go around this way. Sinclair's sister can go with you guys."

SATELLITE [STEVE HARRINGTON]Where stories live. Discover now