sinclair sibling heart-to-heart

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"OH, YEAH. THIS WILL DO." Steve nodded his head at the junkyard, once they finally arrived. "This'll do just fine."

He set forward with his nearly empty bucket of meat, and Ginny followed. She saddled up beside him. "I say we set up shop in that school bus," she said aloud.

"Great minds," Steve said, and they shared a smile. "We don't want it too close, so lets dump the rest here." He poured the remainder of his meat onto the ground, Ginny and Dustin following, just as a voice called out over the lot.

"I said medium-well!"

Ginny lifted her head and squinted into the sun to see Lucas appear over the hill, with his bike and Max at his side. He waved jovially.

Steve glanced at Dustin. "Who's that?"

Dustin looked devastated, staring after the redheaded girl, and with a gentle nudge to his side and a shared look with Ginny, he understood.

They began to set up shop, gathering things to surround the school bus with for protection and things to use as weapons. Ginny tried to ignore her brother and Dustin muttering angrily to each other behind an old car, deciding on finding something to protect herself with.

Max fiddled with something on the other side of her, silently glowering.

"Hey, you're... Max, right?" Ginny said, squinting into the fading sunlight.

The redhead looked at her and nodded, slowly.

"I'm Ginny, with a G." She offered a hand for Max to shake. "Lucas is my little brother."

Max smiled slightly. "I know. He's very protective of you... Grumbled the whole way here about however you got involved in this."

Ginny laughed quietly, shaking her head. "Of course he did."

Shoving wooden palettes she found against the side of the bus, Max pursed her lips, then asked a question. "Do you believe them?"

Ginny looked at her, confused. "Do I...?"

"I mean..." Max shook her head. "Do you believe them about the monsters?"

Moving another palette herself, Ginny stared at her hands. Did she?

"I don't think they're lying, but I'm not entirely convinced that this thing isn't a really big lizard," she said dryly.

Max snickered at that, and Ginny continued her search of the junkyard for a weapon. She spotted something perfect balanced on the top of a tall, rusted truck.

Steve noticed her staring. He seemed to notice everything she did, lately. She stared with her hands on her hips, until he made his way over, trying to follow her gaze. "What are you looking at?"

Pointing at a thick crowbar, Ginny said, "I want that crowbar. Will you spot me?"

"Yeah, but..." Steve scratched the back of his neck. "How're you gonna get up there?"

Ginny sent him a grin and deftly lifted her leg to lodge her foot in the busted window of the old truck. Kicking the glass away until she could stand on the flat part of the door, Ginny grunted and pulled herself up.

She vaguely felt Steve move behind her, his head level with her waist now. Still not quite there, Ginny huffed and crawled onto the cab of the rusty truck, standing on her knees to grab the crowbar. "Ha ha," she said teasingly, waggling the bar at him. "Wish you spotted this first, don't you Harrington?"

He laughed. "I have a bat. With nails in it."

Ginny started to shimmy her way down the truck. "But no crowbar for Stevie," she said, with a teasing pout. "It's okay— if you're lucky, maybe I'll share—"

SATELLITE [STEVE HARRINGTON]Where stories live. Discover now