max, billy, and the sinclairs

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Ginny glanced up from her biology homework, which she was hurrying to finish before school, to Lucas standing at her open bedroom door. "Die, Lucas."

She looked down at her paper again.

He scoffed. "Okay. I'll just tell Mom you were at that party on Jersey Street—"

Her head snapped up at that, and her pencil froze on the page. She glared at him. "Lucas... Die."

Lucas smirked and started to turn around. "Mom—!"

"Wait!" Ginny huffed and turned in her chair to face him. "You owe me a favor for all the arcade quarters I gave you. Cover for me, or I'll tell Mom you stole them from the tip jar at the bakery."

Lucas narrowed his eyes, silent for a long moment. "Whatever..." He turned and left the room, muttering under his breath. Ginny caught something about a "bitch," and she jumped up.

"Don't call women bitches, Lucas! It's misogynistic!" She slammed her bedroom door shut.

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

"ASK ME HOW MY NIGHT WAS, PLEASE." Iris sat down in her seat across from Ginny at their lab table the next afternoon, grinning. "Go on. Ask!"

Ginny smiled half-heartedly. "Hm.. Iris?"


"How was your night last night?"

"Glorious!" she cheered, arms in the air. A few heads turned, and she lowered her voice to repeat, "Glorious, Ginny."

Ginny laughed quietly. "I assume things went well with Billy..."

Iris smiled brighter. "Oh, things went well, all right. He is a freak, Ginny, and that's all I'll say."

For someone who seemed so eager to talk about her night, Ginny laughed when she was already done talking about it. "Well, let me tell you what freaks I stumbled upon last night..."

Just then, two bodies appeared at the head of the room— Lily and Roger. Roger was Ginny's lab partner, Lily was Iris', but Ginny wanted to see neither of them in that moment. "Speak of the devils and they shall appear..."

Iris looked confused between them, but Ginny sighed before she could say anything. "I have got to get a new lab partner..." Looking around the room for an open seat, Ginny noticed one next to Steve— Nancy sat on the other side of the room. She gave Iris a sheepish look. "Sorry Iris."

She jumped into the seat next to Steve just as Lily and Roger made their way over. The Hair Harrington looked surprised to see her, but not fazed for long. "Hey, Gin... Oh, ignoring your asshole ex?" He glared at Roger's back, saying that part a little louder.

Ginny wasn't sure why he was being so nice and defensive, when they had clarified they were not friends the night before. But she just smiled softly in return. "Yeah, definitely... Hey, so, I heard Billy is kicking your ass in gym class."

Steve scoffed. "He's not... He's not kicking my..." He groaned, deflating. "Okay, yeah, he's kicking my ass. But I'm trying!"

Ginny snickered. "Yeah, yeah... Look, I was joking when I said he was dethroning you, I didn't actually think he'd do it..."

"Me either," he said bitterly. His eyes locked with Nancy's across the room, but he quickly looked away.

Ginny noticed it all, pretending to sort through her notes. "You and Nancy finished?"

Steve bit his cheek, staring at the table. "She got pissed for not picking her up this morning and wouldn't say she loved me, so... Yeah. Think so. And Tommy follows Billy's every move, Carol never gave a shit about me anyway..."

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