not mews!

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ON THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY, Ginny lazed around the house, awaiting a call from literally anyone to ask her to hang out. She'd lost a friend the week before, of course, so she was still wallowing about that... But she reminded herself she made a new one, too, maybe. And she had promised Steve she wouldn't crawl back to Lily.

Iris was probably messing around with Billy all day... Her mother answered the phone when Ginny called her house, and said she was out.

So, Ginny resorted to hanging around the house all day, eventually giving in and playing dolls with Erica before their mother called them for dinner.

Mrs. Sinclair made breakfast for dinner, which Ginny hated but everyone else in her family loved.

Lucas scarfed down his pancakes, while Erica drowned hers in syrup. "That's enough, Erica," scolded their mother.

Erica pouted. "Uh-uh." She continued to pour it on.

"Dad?" Lucas said suddenly, poking at the last of his eggs.

Their father hummed, studying a paper. "Mm-hm?"

"When Mom's mad at you... How do you make her not mad?"

This caught Ginny's attention. It was definitely about Max.

Their mother, sitting down at the table, smiled slyly. "Hmm... That's a great question. How do you, hon?"

Without looking up from his newspaper, Mr. Sinclair recited, "First, I apologize. Then, I get your mother whatever she wants."

"Even when she's wrong?"

Ginny snorted at that.

Mr. Sinclair lowered his paper, looking stoic. "She's never wrong, son."

"That's right," chuckled their mother.

Ginny watched Lucas as he nodded and stood with his plate. She grinned. "Going to see Max?"

Their mother looked at him. "Max? Who's Max?"

"His girlf—" Lucas flicked Ginny in the head, hard. "Ow!"

He ran towards the door, before he could get scolded.

"Mom! You're going to let him get away with that?" she cried, rubbing her forehead.

"Where are you going?" she asked her son.

Lucas quickly formulated a lie. "To... hang out with Dustin."

"He's lying!" Ginny said. Mr. Sinclair shushed her, and Mrs. Sinclair was too busy giving Erica a sour look, as she poured more syrup on her pancakes.

Lucas zipped away, and Ginny groaned to herself. "This is bullsh—"

"Language." Mr. Sinclair gave her a disapproving look, and she stapped her pancake angrily.

Just then, the phone rang. Ginny hopped up to answer it, hoping, praying, begging for it to be Iris. "I got it!" she hollered, making Erica jump and throw her fork.

"Virginia—" her mother began, but Ginny whipped the phone off the wall before she could finish.

"Iris?" she asked hopefully.

"Um... No, it's Steve."

She blinked. "Steve? How'd you get this number?"

"Iris gave it to me, I saw her at the store... Ginny, I'm gonna do it."

She frowned, wrapping the phone cord around her finger. "Do... what?"

"I'm gonna get Nancy back. I-I got her some flowers, a-and I'm about to go to her house—"

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