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I'm laying on my bed, bored. I probably should be studying for finals, but I know I'm gonna fail anyway. 

Then, suddenly, poof! A cloud of smoke appears out of nowhere.

"Hey, Sophie! Since you're not studying why don't we play a little game?" says a girl who just magically poof!ed into my bedroom.

"Umm," I say, tripping over myself as I scramble for the door.

The girl laughs. I notice just now that, as I glance at her, she doesn't seem threatening.

With her purple streak in her strawberry blonde hair, to the freckles on her nose, and her black high heels, she seems the opposite.

"I'm 88booklover_ ."

"88booklover_?" I ask, my nose crinkling.

"What? You have a problem with that?" She says, her easygoing mood gone.

As she says these words fire swirls on her palms. It just occurred to me that it's probably not a good idea to mess with her.

"Thought so. Anyway, I was asking if you wanted to play a game?"

"Oh, umm, sure. Lemme see if it's okay with Grady and Edaline first."

"Great! Gather up all your friends here at 5. I'll gather mine."

And just as she appeared, she poof!ed away.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my book!

A special shout-out to @KotlcHPHamiltonLOV3R, @mustached_avocados, and Puppydog123567.

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