2 | Stark Contrast

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Knock knock.

Y/N: "Come in."

The door swung open to reveal a woman in office clothes, with her black hair neatly done up into a ponytail to keep it out of her face.

Y/N: "Eun-ji?"

Eun-ji: "Good evening, sir. Ji-woo just recently signed that new k-pop group that was looking for a label."

I continued sorting through the paper work, adding my signature where needed and reading through various reports.

Y/N: "Is that so?" I asked with half-assed interest, not looking up from my desk.

Eun-ji: "Yes. I believe they are called K/DA."

Y/N: "And did it go well?"

Eun-ji: "They are contracted to UAM for seven years."

I put down my pen, my eyes shifting over to the window like they usually did. Seven years, huh. People inevitably change, and, although I was rather young for my position, I've already seen it countless times. Starry eyed idols start with big ambitions, excited that their celebrity dreams are finally there. But, it was a common occurrence that after only a few years, those ambitions die, and they are left gasping for air in such a relentless industry. It was the same reason why so many groups disband after their contract expires and why so many idols are caught in scandals. They all just want an escape from their reality.

I noticed the forlorn look in my reflection of the window. I suppose I was the same way. The best I could do was ensure that UAM allowed the idols to express themselves without restriction. Record labels should serve to assist, not control.

As I had that thought, I couldn't help but think of Akali from last night. She was a free spirit, but I could tell she was concealing some secrets of her own. Was she truly free? Or is ambition as much of a trap as I think it is?

I sighed, pushing my chair from the desk and standing up. Who am I kidding? I was the one trapped. I think I'll take today off early. 

Discarding my suit blazer, I turned to Eun-ji.

Y/N: "Eun-ji, do you mind getting me a coffee?"

She glared at me with cold eyes.

Eun-ji: "Sir, with all due respect, I am your administrative assistant. Not your servant. Getting you coffee is not within my job expectations."

I flashed her a charismatic smile.

Y/N: "Please?"

Her frigid expression remained, although from the twitching of her brow, I could tell it was slightly cracking. She sighed and turned on her heel.

Eun-ji: "Same as always?"

Y/N: "If you would."

The clacking of her shoes on the floor got quieter and quieter, until it faded into nothingness. In the distance, I faintly heard the elevator doors open.

I swiftly changed out of my business attire and into more casual wear, hanging up my clothes in a closet. Strange that I would have a closet in my office, but I did spend more time here than anywhere else. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that the office was more of a home than home was.

I stood in front of the window, my eyes scanning the Seoul streets below. Night was beginning to fall once more, and I planned to go on a walk to clear my mind. Although it seemed like lately, all I did was try to "clear my mind". Eventually, my gaze fell upon the small alleyway where I met Akali. I could see the edges of her art poking out. It was much earlier than I found her yesterday, but I wondered if she would be there today, as well.

Moonlit Lies (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now