"Yes King Pratness." Merlin said earning another death glare from the four visitors.

"Idiot." Arthur snapped back as Gwaine and Percival began fighting. Merlin and him continued to bicker, until Arthur told Merlin to shut up. Edwin and his knights were shocked that the King let his people talk to him like that, let alone his manservant.

*Later that night*

Arthur had order his most trusted knights to tail Merlin to make sure that it was Lord Edwin that was hurting Merlin, and if not him then who. Merlin was walking down the hall carrying an arm full of Arthur's armor, which Percival thought was a bit shocking that such a small boy could hold all that armor. Percival was the one Arthur put on duty to follow Merlin that night, when Merlin began to round a corner he felt a body bang into him, making him fall to the ground and the armor go flying.

"Watch where you're going boy." Lord Edwin sneered as he pulled Merlin up to his feet, before slamming him into a wall. Percival unsheathes his sword as quietly as possible and begins to advance on Lord Edwin and his three knights, who had just arrived.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. I wasn't watching where I was going." Merlin whispered, before letting out a whimper of pain as Edwin's giant hands surround Merlin's neck. Percival can tell that the servant was struggling to breathe and just that thought made Percival want to run them all through with his sword.

"Please stop, I can't breathe." Merlin manages to get out as dark spots begin to cloud his vision.

"Fine." One of the knights sneers as Edwin releases Merlin, who falls to the floor and sucks in a deep breathe. Two of the knights pick Merlin up and push him up against the wall as Lord Edwin uses the servant as a punching bag.

"You will show respect to your superiors, you are nothing but a piece of dirt so stop acting like you are a knight because you are nothing like a knight. You are just a weak, useless, stupid serving boy. Knights are strong and smart." The other knight sneered.

"Knights are also selfless and loyal. They're kind and protect those lower than them, not hurt them. You four are none of those things, Merlin is more of a knight than you guys will ever be." Percival growled rounding the corner with his sword drawn. Lord Edwin and his knights laugh when they saw the look on Percival's face.

"There is four of us and one of you. There is no way you can fight us all." One knights snapped as the others draw their swords.

"I have no intentions on fighting you guys. Well at least not alone." Percival said angrily as he gently picks up Merlin and turns away from the so called knights and their "lord". He heads straight for Gaius's chambers, he threw open the door with his foot; startling the old man inside.

"Lay him down on the bed," Gaius commanded "can you go find Gwen."

"Okay." Percival said as he ran out towards the streets of Camelot. He finds Gwen sitting outside of her house with Elyan.

"Gwen you need to go see Gaius. Elyan we need to go find Gwaine, Leon, and Arthur. Gwaine was right, Lord Edwin was the one hurting Merlin." Percival said in a rush, Gwen gasped and ran towards Gaius's chambers. Elyan ran off to where; including Gwaine and Leon where on patrol. Percival then turned and ran back into castle towards the king's chambers. Knocking on the door before throwing it open a second later Percival stormed into Arthur's chambers. He glared at the knight and began to rant about knocking.

"Merlin's hurt." Percival said simply, successfully cutting the king off in the middle of his rant.

"Who?" Arthur growled grabbing the hilt of his sword, which was laying on the table.

"Who do you think, Gwaine was right. Lord Edwin and his so called knights have been hurting Merlin." Percival muttered angrily at the thought of seeing the visiting lord and his knights beating Merlin. Arthur walked out of his chambers and headed down to where the court physician lived/worked. The two enter Gaius's chambers finding Gwen helping Gaius and the knights sitting near their friend but still out of the way.

*8 hours later*

Gaius had fallen asleep about 30 minutes ago and most of the knights had left; save from Gwaine and Arthur. The two of them sat in silence just waiting, hoping their friend would soon wake up. Merlin groaned and his eyes flew opened, looking slightly panicked. Gwaine and Arthur were next to him in an instant.

"Merlin are you alright?" Arthur asked worried, Merlin nodded feeling slightly confused.

"What happened?" He whispered grabbing his side, feeling bruises beginning to form.

"You were attacked mate, by Lord Edwin and his three knights. Percival found you, brought you here, then came and got us." Gwaine explained, for once the normally drunk man was sober.

"Merlin." Arthur said firmly, looking at his manservant.

"Yes sire?" Merlin asked looking back at Arthur for the first time since he woke up. Arthur was shocked when he saw the afraid look in his eyes, as if he was afraid Arthur would hit him.

"Next time something like this happens, you will tell me or at least one of the knights." He says putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

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