"Good morning Khun Kinn." Wayne greeted him with smile.

"Let me inform you what will happen today.
You need to take a shower or bath now and wear this." Wayne handed him a tuxedo case

"Go now you have visitors later." Wayne said.

Kinn get the Tux case and went back to Porche room.

He does as orders him to do.
Something is missing

Knock on the door.
He opened and Boone there just a box
He opened it
That is what is missing.

Watch and perfume.
He wears both.
He smiled.
It was the watch he Porche back then! It still have his initials!

He then wear the shoes provided for him.
And then.
He is out.

When he entered the shadows are also on their formal clothes.

Everyone bows at him.

Wayne also bowed at him and lead him to the living room of the vicinity.

His bodyguards are there

With bandage and some band aids. But all are smiling. And the four of them are complete.

"Big" Kinn said and hugged him
"Pete" he called and hug him
"Ken" he called and hug him.
And he also hugged "Nont" he mouthed.

"I am glad all of you are fine. How is the rest?" He asked.

"They are fine." Big said

Then they reported what happened in the mansion since he was missing.
And also told Kinn what happened to each of them.

"Excuse me" uncle interrupted.
Pushing a food cart.

He placed. Snacks drinks and glasses on the table.

"Uncle I have not seen Porche yet" Kinn said.

"He is with the shadows Khun Kinn." Uncle responded.
"Enjoy gentlemen" he said and bowed a bit then leave.

"When he picked us up this morning he said he is in a hurry" Big said.

Kinn felt something is not right.
The bodyguards started munching the snacks he just ate breakfast so he just drinks some fresh fruit juice.

"It is too silent" Kinn said.

He stood and the bodyguards follows.
Even Wayne is not found.

Kinn runs to the training room and no one is there but they heard counting.

Kinn followed the path they pass through the swimming pool then they reached the firing ground.

No shades under direct sunlight at midday near lunch.
There the shadows are all lined up.

Kinn saw Porche and Wayne is among them also. Wayne himself counts.

"What is this?" Kinn asked.

"Punishment" uncle said.

He placed cool iced water jag.

"Enough!" Kinn shouted.

Wayne counted last three. And they stood facing Kinn and his bodyguards.

They bowed to the ground and apologizes.

"Damn!" Big said.

"We are sorry. We failed.
Big was hurt bad.
Pete and Khun Kinn was abducted.
One of us is also abducted.
We are sorry" Wayne said.

Everyone raised their hands. Again bowed to the ground.

"Everyone get up. Look at us we are all here." Kinn said.

"Porche saved me na." Pete said.

"Jom helped me back then" Big said

"And we know you guys have decided attention that you have to be with us while need to protect master Korn." Nont said.

"Wayne. Porche and the rest get up and have some water" Kinn said.

"That is an order" he shouted.

Wayne stood and everyone else followed.

Porche did not look at Kinn and the Bodyguards. He went directly where others went to swimming pool.
Kinn timed him.

Ken and Nont removed their suits and tie getting ready to Help Porche.

9 minutes.

"Hold it don't he can now take 11 minutes. Wayne said

Two more minutes. And there are bubbles.

"On hold" Wayne shouted.

Then Porche surfaced.

"Good job. That's 11&40." Wayne said.

"Not bad Porche said panting."

"Everyone 10 minutes" Wayne shouted

Then all the shadows went on their own ways.

"We will be with you in 10 minutes." Wayne said.

"Can we  roam around?" Ken asked.

Wayne nod his head and leave them.
The bodyguards reached the gear room.

"Same as what we have" Ken said.

"Don't be deceived guys. They have lots hidden things." Pete whispered.

"Guys let's go. I want you to meet them" Wayne said.

In three lines the shadows formed.

"These are the Shadows gentle men.
Protectors." The first line. Introduced their names.
"Offense diffense." the second line states their names.
"Path finder." Jom Porche and Tempt step forward.
"Central." Wayne and his bodyguards stepped forward.

"Which of you wears the blue line?" Nont asked.

"O come on you have not known it yet?" Jom asked

"Only three that has color lines. The rest are black. But I am yellow" Tempt said.

"I am green" Jom said.

"Porche is the blue line. Isn't it obvious?" Wayne said

"Nont just needs confirmations." Pete said.

Porche pocket none stop vibrating.
He opened it.

"P' help we are in trouble." Porche read.

Kinn also holds his phone.

"Kim and Chay are kidnapped." Kin said.

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