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We woke up only to find ourselves in a whole different place other than NINJAGO high school, I soon realized that we are in the world of dragons,we ourselves are dragons as well,at least dragonets,surprised I look around,we are in a forest,I flap my wings in attention and roared slightly,my pack woke up surprised that we are dragons! Zane was an icewing,Pixal is a seawing,Skylor was a skywing,vania was a mudwing,Akita was a rainwing,Roy was a Sandwing and I am a Nightwing. I sighed and said "looks like We were sent here for some reason,might as well Explore around and Claim our territory. We soon found a nice clearing with water and grasslands. Oh and trees too. So we claimed this clearing as our as we are wondering how to get out of here,we notice an Egg being placed down,all of us jumped back in defence positions,surrounding the egg,growling,carefully I walk towards the egg and sniffed it,I tell everyone to fall back,we all did then I said "this is not just any egg,is a legit Dragon Egg! My theory was right, we are in Wings of Fire,a world of dragons,humens and animals! But why here? And who even wanted to send us here? What are we even doing here?! One second we are sleeping in our dorms then the next thing we know we are in this world. Anyway we will deal with that later,but first we need to deal with this dragon egg at our territory,one problem at a time guys'' they all nodded then soon we start discussing what to do with the egg,suddenly we heard flapping of wings,it was night time,panicked we all hid around the area,after I calm everyone down,we went silent,waiting for a posible prey to unmistakbillity wander into our area of the forest.a huge dark nightwing landed in front of the egg,and watched as the egg begin hatching underneath 2 full moons! The heck?!oh right we are in wings of fire. It was supposed to have 3 moons,looks like we are witnessing Moonwatcher, a character in the book called wings of fire's hatching. The dark nightwing which is her mother was watching eagerly as the egg hatched,a small dragonet popped out,we watched the 2 as they began communicating with each other through their minds. Then the mother left.once the mother left it was our time to strike!at the command I howled(for some reason we can still howl even through we are literally dragons,oh well,screw you logic),Moonwatcher froze.all of us pop out at the same time,surrounding her,she roared and cried in fear,in her mind I can hear her: "What is going on! Ahh dragons of different colours and tribes,oh no,what do I do,WHAT DO I DO!!!?? MOM!!! MOM!! HELP!" calmly I said with a chuckle "Calm down you little dragonet! We are not going to eat you, that would be weird!" then Moonwatcher said "oh wait, you are one of my tribe's members! Can you uh, explain what is going on? And why are there dragons of different tribes with you?!" I nodded and answered "well you see,your mother placed her egg here,which is where you are now and this is our territory.she should really think before placing her egg here.oh and these guys? They are my friends! Weird I know,you probably havn't seen a bunch of dragons from different tribes all together eh? Well there are no limits that you can't be friends with different tribe members in any scrolls,rules,books or decrees. So why only limit yourself with your own kind? Wouldn't it be fun to hang out with other tribes and get to know them more? It will be interesting oh and most of all we are a pack,or a miniature tribe I guess you can say.we stick together and what is your name young hatchling?" the little dragonet replied "Moonwatcher,my name is Moonwatcher what are yours?" I nodded at my pack,they all stood in their places ready to be introduced,shocking Moonwatcher in awe. Calmly I answered "My name is Rachel the leader of the pack" I pointed a talon at Zane. "that icewing overthere chilling is Zane,he is a good friend of mine" I then pointed to Pixal "this Seawing overthere is Pixal,"she is my best friend and first member that ever joined my pack" I turn to Skylor, "the Skywing is named Skylor,she is a hothead one but very nice once you get to know her" I turned left to face Akita, "another one of my best friends,the rainwing,her name is Akita but don't mess with her,she is tough but also very Loyal to the pack" I tilted my head back,pointing towards Vania, "ths mudwing right there is Vania,she is very brave and strong as well" finally I Motion towards Roy, "Last but not least,our newest member,that sandwing there,his name is Roy,he is actually very dangerous when you hurt us or him,so don't underestimate him,he won't be too happy about that" to finish my introduction,I concluded "and that's the rest of this pack Moon!" Moonwatcher nodded her scaly head. We soon heard her mother quickly hide,after they talked again,her mother left and now Moon looked sad. So we came out of hiding.I rested a wing over her and said "hey kid,don't worry about her you have us,Moon,welcome to the pack,you prove yourself with your mind reading ability" Moon jumped and said "How do you know that?!" calmly I answered "because..I am a mind reader too but also I can use magic,shoot beams of magic out from my talons,create black holes,create portals,teleport,lift things up with my mind,turn things to ashes,clone myself,control any magic stuff,I can also create magic out of thin air, we all have special powers and abilities,Moon. You see, Zane can shoot ice from his talons,create ice out of thin air,freeze the ground/surounding areas by punching the ground in front of him,he can also control ice. While Skylor can shoot fireballs/beams from her talons,control fire,create fire out of thin air,she can also burn anything by digging her claws into the ground/surround areas, then there is Pixal,She can control Snow,shoot Snow from her talons,create snow out of thin air,control a snowstorm,make snow appear on a specific area by slamming her claws down, she can also make snowflakes appear like a blinding blizzard as well, Now there is also Akita,She can control air,cameraflash around her surroundings,turn invisible,create air out of nowhere,fireprove,she can also create tornadoes,shoot beams of air as well, next there is Vania,She can control Nature,she can shoot vines out,create Nature/vines out of thin air,Make vines appear on the ground to wrap/choke the target by slamming her claws down on the ground as well,she can lift huge trees,replant/destroy Nature,she can also make a whole wall of mud/vines appear in front of her by punching both her talons together, last but not least,Roy,he can Create huge sandstorms,make sand appear out of nowhere,create quakesands,control quakesands,destroy quakesands,shoot a beam of sand dust out of his talons and control anything sand related. She nodded. Soon she is now one of us,and we met her mom,who was not too pleased to see us,until Moon Explained. She agreed that we can be together,I think really she just wants to leave Moon alone. Moon's Mom Secretkeeper, was relieved that she didn't have to take care of Moon anymore as we will do it for her.

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