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Today we will be getting our dorms,me and my pack were excited.we left the warehouse then quickly headed to Ninjago High school which is not really far away. We arrived at our usual meeting spot which is near the tree where I first start my pack,we start chatting,we become quite famous around here,the bullies no longer mess with us,probably after hearing about the news last night,Pixal is trying to cheer Zane up after the attack last night,he couldn't believe Mr.E managed to trick his old friends into turning against him and eventually attacking him,until we came to help,Pixal ask me to help,I nodded. I went to where Zane is currently having a disappointing look on his face. I pat his back and said "hey,you know at least you have us and also don't worry about'em they will find out the truth soon and realize they were wrong about you,We will make sure Mr.E get his consequence,Karma's gonna get them. Soon I promise you will soon manage to clear things up with your friends' ' he nodded,Pixal went back calming him down,I smiled at the 2,I had a feeling a New ship was coming soon. The bell rang and the announcements told us about now we are heading to the principal office to get our dorms.when we arrived to our surprise,all of us are in the same dorm,the principal allow us to share a dorm because they said I was the first ever special Werewolf Alpha in the school,the only one apparently and I got a decent pack. So now we are in our dorm, apparently there are rooms,so privacy will do well.Unfortunately the ninjas and Mr.E's Dorms are next to ours which will not be fun.I look at the window and watched the Enviroment,I felt Pixal next to me,she begin "hey How do you feel now that you had a pack?" I replied "To be honest it is pretty new to me but is actually nice. Still it will be hard to ever get fully into Alpha mode. I mean being the leader is fun and all but it is still very stressful,the life of your pack is on the line,they are all relying on you to lead and protect them.'' She smiled and said "I am sure you will do fine plus we can help you. It is only fair after all" I chuckled and said "yeah I guess" the 2 of us walked back to meet with the rest of the pack for the night.

What we didn't know is that Mr.E had decided to send us to the Realm of Wings of fire...hoping to get rid of us from the dragons,he knew once we are gone he can finally have his revenge and take over the world.

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