Chapter 18. Mother

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I was in complete shock. I was so numb that I couldn't move a finger.
- What a reaction! It's nice to see such an emotional picture. - Diana said, looking at me and smiling.
- And what do you want from us now? – I finally came to my senses. -Revenge?
- The answer is incorrect. Not, well, although it is, of course, too, but my main goal is completely different. Like I said, you inherited your mom's abilities. But everything is much worse for you – your strength is several times greater than Lesta's. And if she was kept in a punishment cell for 7 years, imagine the danger of YOUR abilities!
- But you did this "test" of yours to me, and even twice. And nothing showed up.
- Exactly. I even thought at first that I was mistaken, but on the second check I understood everything. When you were walking, did you notice anything strange?
- Like what? – I tensed up. Diana can't find out about the crown and what happened then.
- Well... for example.... Crown?
I jerked–it was too sudden. A spark flashed in Diana's eyes.
- Fine.... So you saw it. And what did you do?
- Passed by. A thing under a glass hood, probably terribly expensive, and I'm in the enemy's hideout. A disadvantage.
Suddenly the room shook with the laughter of the elder Ernell.
- GREAT! GOOD GIRL, WELL DONE! God, how stupid..... - Diana shook her head.
- What's wrong?
- You turned yourself in, honey. That's what's wrong. In fact, the crown was not under a glass case, and you, by the way, are not in the enemy's shelter at all. The crown is covered with a special lid with powerful protection. Only a member of the royal family sees this glass lid, and only he or she can touch it.
- The royal family?
- Have you really forgotten? Your parents are the king and queen, and you, for a moment, studied at the princess school.
Damn, with all these adventures, I completely forgot how I got here.
- You have superpowers, and millions of times more powerful than your mother. But they are blocked! And the crown is the key that will open the bolt of your abilities.
- And what does it give me? And what does it give YOU?
- You now have amazing superpowers, and I have the key to eternal and complete power! Your powers are just... something! And with the help of the crown.... I'll get them!
- It won't work!
- Now of course not. It takes some time for you to learn how to use your abilities, for the crown to accumulate strength, so that you finally understand who is right, who is to blame .....
With this phrase, Diana ended our conversation and headed for the exit, while I thought about her words. It turns out that Leah and I are actually the daughters of the royal family, and not even any, but the Ernell family - the most famous in history.
Then I remembered my "dream" when Alice knocked me out. The memory of Eliza's creepy smile made me shudder. Then Lesta was not in her mother's arms. She wasn't there at all. It turns out she was in the punishment cell.....
But what kind of abilities are these that a little girl had to be kept locked up for as long as 7 years?! And the worst thing is – according to Diana, I have these powers several times more! So many questions, so few answers....
I mentally ran through our entire conversation and suddenly noticed one moment.
- Wait, what does "I'm not in a villains shelter" mean?
Diana, who hadn't yet had time to leave, turned around, spread her arms and raised her head.
-Marie Lingstone, or rather, Maria-Vanessa Ernell, - she said solemnly. - welcome to the Ernell family mansion, or welcome home!

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