Chapter 6. Tania's Secret

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Very soon I became an excellent student at the new school. I was afraid that it would cause black envy among my classmates, but everything remained as before. Leah also studied well. I didn't help her with her homework at all - she was doing fine on her own. Caroline and her friends still bully us, but I don't pay attention. Unfortunately, Leah often cries because of this, but Tania and I calm her down quickly.

On the fifth day of our lessons, Tania fell ill. We brought food and medicine to her room, but we went to lessons without her.

Once, during Tania's illness, we wrote a test in mathematics. I did it quickly, so I was sent to the room (it was the last lesson). I changed my clothes, had a snack and decided to visit Tania. To my great surprise, I didn't find Tania in the room. She was not in bed, not at the table, not in the closet, in short, nowhere. Then I remembered about the cot, but I discarded this thought - why would a person with a cold suddenly be lying in a cat's cot? I searched a little more in Tania's room, went into the bathroom, into my room, into Leah's room, searched in the living room, but my friend was nowhere to be found. Still considering it a crazy idea, I decided to look in the couch. When I approached her, I saw a charming sleeping gray cat with black spots around the nose, ears and paws. Hearing footsteps, the cat started up, ran to Tania's bed and....

I woke up sitting in the same corner where the cat had just been and where the couch was still lying. I looked around, not understanding what had happened. Tania was standing next to me with a worried look.

- Marie? Are you okay? - she asked in a hoarse voice due to a cold. 

There was still a cloudy haze in her eyes from the bright flash that occurred as soon as the cat touched the blanket. Tania took me to my room and sat down next to me, although she felt not very well. When the haze cleared, I saw that Tania's pupils were unusual. They were terribly narrow, as if she was a half-cat.

- Stop, I got it! - I suddenly shouted. Tania jumped up abruptly.

- Wh-wh-what exactly?

- So that's why you have a couch in your room! That's why you were confused when you saw the title of the book I was reading! You're a werewolf!

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