15 | Lost Memories

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"Hey, Kala!" Kael waved and jogged towards his sister, whom he had caught sitting beneath a tree during the break between classes.

Kala looked up at him and smiled. "Kael. Good to see you."

"Oh, so this is your long lost twin," said a boy sitting next to Kala. Kael paused to study him. The boy was probably the same age as the twins. Beneath golden hair, his green eyes twinkled with mischief that was further emulated by the smirk on his lips. A scar nicked his jaw, mostly likely placed there by a blade. He was too young to shave, but Kael supposed he might have gotten it while mimicking his father.

"Yup," Kala chimed. "I told you he seemed familiar."

"Um..." Kael wasn't sure why he suddenly felt out of place. "Hi..."

Kala giggled. "Don't be a stranger, Kael. Have a seat." Once Kael complied, she gestured to the boy. "Kael, meet Timo. He's been with me since day one. Er, I mean, I guess since the day I was found by Canti. And Timo." With a wicked grin, she presented Kael. "Meet Kael, my one and only twin brother."

Timo feigned offense, holding his hand over his heart. "Ugh, I'm hurt, Kala. I thought I was your other half."

They burst into a fit of laughter, to Kael's dismay. He didn't understand what they found so funny, and a twinge of annoyance laced around him.

"What's so funny?" he couldn't help but ask.

Kala wiped a tear from her eye. "Sorry. It's just an inside joke between us. Timo always used to go around telling people he was my brother. Considering we're the same age, a lot of them took that to mean we were twins."

"Oh..." Kael still didn't find it that humorous.

"We even shared the same room," Timo said. "Because Kala was too scared to sleep alone. It sort of became an unspoken rule since we were the only kids at our-owww! Hey!"

Kala had elbowed him in the ribs. "Shut up, you idiot." She laughed. "I don't need you spilling all of my embarrassing secrets!"

Kael fisted the grass. He wasn't sure what to make of the hurt piercing into him. He tried to brush it off and smiled. "So, Timo. Are you at the Blue Dragon with Kala?"

Timo nodded, his golden hair bobbing. "Uh huh. Of course, since my dad's the proctor."

Kael cocked his head. "Really?"

"Yeah," Kala chipped in. "That's why we chose it."

"Cool. Anyway, Kala, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out next Market Day. I feel like we don't get to spend much time other than when we're studying and I miss the old days of having fun with you."

Kala lit up at this, mischief gleaming in her eye. "Sounds great! What are you thinking? Should we go out to town?"

"How about some sightseeing?" Timo suggested. "We are on an island. Might as well go to the beach and have some fun, yes?"

"Ooh, fun! Say Kael, why don't you invite the others too. We could all have a nice day off at the beach. With all this studying, we deserve a break."

"Oh..." Kael pursed his lips and squashed the irrational anger bubbling in his chest. He wasn't sure exactly why he was feeling this way, only that he instinctively disliked Timo. "I guess so. But Kala, I was thinking-"

At that moment, the academy bell rang, signalling the end of the break.

"Oops, gotta go," Kala said, pulling the strap of her bag over her shoulder. "Caster Lux won't be happy if we're late. Let's get going, Timo." She waved back at Kael as they trotted away. "See you later, Kael. Tell me what you were thinking later, yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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