Pass the Baby Part One

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I'm alive! *does zombie sit-up*. Please suggest prompts in comments or message me! Disclaimer: This idea came from a Tumblr user- NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEA!!!!! I plan to build off it and make it more elaborate however. Enjoy your baby Teddy!


Ginny hit her head against the wall. Harry was late. Again. And to top it off, Teddy was throwing a tantrum because he wanted 'Ha-Ha'. How'd she know this? The baby could barely say 'Ha-ha' and 'Win'. Simply because his hair was jet-black. She checked the newly-made grandfather clock against the wall in the Entry Hall that had been a house-warming gift from Mrs. Weasley when they had FINALLY moved in, after months of renovation to Grimmauld Place, and they had only done two bedrooms and they main floor. She watched as, after 5 minutes, Harry's arm on the clock went from 'work' to 'traveling'. Ginny sighed in relief and adjusted Teddy on her hip.

Harry walked in the door, ready for a nice hot shower. He had had a rough day. Classified information, unfortunately.

"Harry Potter!"

Harry winced. "Yes?"

"You forgot, didn't you?!"

Harry's eyes widened in realization. "The Burrow"

"Yes, the Burrow! We're half a hour late!" Teddy screamed again, and Ginny handed him to Harry hastily. Teddy calmed down and fell asleep against Harry's shoulder. Ginny shook her head. "Of course. We have to go, or mum'll have our heads!"

"Can I change first?"

Ginny tapped her locket "I've got clothes in here, you can change when we get there"

Harry sighed. "Fine"

A floo ride later, they ended up in an empty house. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and led him to the backyard. A bird, which they assumed to be Bill was flying after George, who was laughing his head off as he ran away from the talons of the irate bird, Fleur was holding a sleeping Victorie while shaking her head, Hermione was reading, Ron was trying to sneak food, Percy had his arm around his wife, frowning at Charlie, who was transfiguring a boot into a dog, which joined the commotion, and Mr. Weasley was trying to figure out how to work the muggle grill Harry had given him for his birthday (even though Mrs. Weasley had cooked way to much food as it was).

"Here." Ginny tossed Harry her locket. "Go change clothes while you can, before they notice you."

Harry took the locket and Ginny grabbed Teddy.


Ginny turned around, and saw Hermione walking towards her. "Mione!"

Hermione smiled. "How're you?"


Teddy started crying. Loudly.

"Merlin Teddy, again?"

Teddy responded by changing his hair. Ginger. Just great.


Ron, hearing Hermione call him, came over. He sighed when he saw Teddy.

"Pass the baby?"

"Pass the baby."

Ron took Teddy. Teddy wouldn't stop crying.

After Teddy had gone and was held by everyone in the vicinity with ginger hair.

"Who in Circe does he want then?"

Hermione shook her head. "Who knows. Let him cry himself out I guess."
Harry groaned. "Who has ginger hair that hasn't held him yet?"
A parrot landed in the pie and squawked loudly. Everyone looked at it.

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