"Hello." She replied awkwardly and walked to the table, stepping in front of the chair and sitting as he pushed it in for her. The gesture of a gentleman but up until now he had been anything but a gentleman. Teasing her, mocking her. Only when he returned to his own place at the table, next to her on the wide square around one of the corners instead of opposite her like she'd expected, did she speak again. "Thank you, for agreeing to meet with me." Moriarty fixed his tie and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's an interesting case." His lips were pouted in thought as his eyes raked over her whole being, from the curls in her hair to her covered waistline just visible above the table. "You're an interesting case..." Moriarty smirked as he changed his words and then snapped his gaze away. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to learn more."

"More? What else is there to learn about?" She had told him everything, hadn't she? About the shooting, and herself to the point he allowed her to. Never the less, she dismissed it and watched as he scanned the menu.

"Well...you." Obviously. "There's more than meets the eye about you isn't there?" He looked up and stared at her again, sending a shiver down her back bone. Lucy felt him reading every part of her she had on show. From the rhythm of her breathing to the clenching of her jaw. They stared at each other for a few seconds until he became amused by something he was seeing. "But never mind, we'll get to that later on." Something in the way Moriarty smiled at her told her not to push him to talk about it now, so she silenced her temptation too and sat there still. "First of all, let's get down to business."

"Yes let's." Lucy found the words slipping off her tongue before it was too late to catch them and she stilled. Almost expecting him to snap at her, she cowered, but when his eyes burned into her head, nothing was said. Then, Moriarty actually laughed. A soft chuckle filled their private dinning space as he leant forward and rested his arms on the table.

"Demanding. It's almost sexy on you." He really knew just what to say to shut her up. The comment made her blush and caused anger to swell in her stomach, and God did he know it. Moriarty ran his tongue along his teeth, no attempt made to hide how much he enjoyed watching the heat rising to her cheeks. "You said you wanted it to 'all go way'." His voice pitched to impersonate her but once he calmed, he turned serious.

"Yes." Her answer was short. Lucy broke their contact and, for the first time, noticed the full glass of wine sat by her charger plate. But as she went to take a drink from it, holding the glass delicately, he began to shake his head slowly.

"It's funny. You sounded so pleading on the phone." Moriarty rolled his eyes in such an over the top manner she thought his pupils were going to go to the back of his head. "The way you begged... Are you too proud to do it in person?" The way he spoke, it was like he concentrated on each word individually before it left his mouth. The man's eyes narrowed and his fingers tapped an unknown rhythm against the table top.

"I didn't beg." Lucy tried desperately to try and keep the nerves from flooding into her voice, and she succeeded. It stayed steady and she managed to meet Moriarty's eyes for a few seconds. "I asked politely." She almost dared to smirk at him, but didn't at the the last minute.

"Of course you did." Something changed then and there. Lucy couldn't describe what it was but something...shifted. Moriarty sat back in his chair and lingered his gaze on her body again. "Make it all go away..." He followed on from where he had left off. "Do you think it's all that easy?"

"You made making all the evidence disappear sound pretty simple." Lucy gave a small smile finally, whatever she'd felt come over them helped her to relax. Whether it was the way he talked to her so easily over something so wrong or seemed to accept her quips and reply with a smart sneer, she didn't know but she almost found it fun. "What's the difference? Apart from instead of evidence, it's me?" She took another large mouthful of her wine and then watched Moriarty for his reply.

What Kind of Man || Jim Moriarty Where stories live. Discover now