ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 5

Start from the beginning

Miyoung: But you might not be able to ride.

Jihye; Why?

Miyoung: You have to go out pretty far.

Jihye; Ah... seasickness. Do you get seasick on the boat?

Nari: It was bearable. But if you get seasick easily...

Hayoon: Wow! It looks like fun!

(I want to fly, too!)

Jihye: Was it really difficult?

(I should go with Hayoon...)
(Finally! Jihye and Hayoon are heading out?)
(Wrong! Miyoung goes instead.)

Miyoung; I'm dizzy.

Hayoon: Yay!

Nari: Fighting!

(Loves anything that's high up.)

Hayoon: I love high places! I can go alone.

Miyoung; No, it's okay. Who's going to take pictures for you if you go alone?

(Aww, mini heart attack!)
Miyoung; It was her first time so I thought she would want to take pictures.
(Sad Jihye)
(Let's go to a higher place!)
(Don't worry about your pictures!)

Hayoon; It's so beautiful! I'm so happy!

(Something's in the air with Hayoon)

Hayoon: There's a drone here!

(Hi, drone?)
(Hayoon is back safe and sound.)
(Miyoung is starting to feel seasick.)

Hayoon; Are you okay?

(Hayoon is worried about Miyoung.)

Hayoon: Are you okay?

Miyoung; Yeah, I'm fine. Let's look straight ahead.

(Miyoung had been on the boat for two hours.)
(She got seasick as soon as she got on.)
(But she was happy to get on the boat again for Hayoon.)
(She fought off her seasickness and took pictures for Hayoon)

Miyoung; How was it?

Hayoon; It was fun.

Miyoung; Did you leave a message while you were up in the sky?

Hayoon; I did.

Miyoung: What did you say?

Hayoon: It's a secret.

Miyoung; Why? Tell me.

Hayoon; Find out through the broadcast.

Miyoung; You can tell me though, can't you? We're bestfriends!
Hayoon: I love my members! Hi, Miyoung! We fight sometimes but I love you a lot!
(You're such a good friend)
(They may have little arguments but still care for each other the most)
(Miyoung and Hayoon, best friends of the same age)

Jihye; You have to go left and then right!

(The highlight of Magdungie's Tour, banana boat riding!)

Nari: Your breathing is important!

(We have to stick together!)

Miyoung; Fighting! Bye!

(Miyoung can't stay still)

Miyoung; Are we going to fall in the water?

Nari: I'm scared.

(We just want to sightsee!)

Jihye; Let's just go slowly, looking around. If you drop up us in the water, no money for you! Okay?

(We have no money, anyways!)

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