"Shit," I say, too loud, realizing too late that I just shone the bright light into this person's face.
    He's tall and muscular and has sort of shaggy dark hair. He's wearing a t-shirt and shorts and flip flops and... he looks familiar. Why does he look familiar?

He's passing me by the time I figure it out. He jogged passed earlier when I was walking down to the rental hut, to work. As far as I saw, he wasn't at the beach party, though he seems about my age. Our eyes meet as he walks by and for a split second I feel the urge to stop him. Ask him his name. But I panic and then he's gone.

Back at the house, I praise myself for making it back in one piece.  Quietly going in the back door, I step out of my shoes, which are  covered in sand. I already decided while I was walking that I would sneak down to the basement to shower so I don't wake anyone. The only reason I need a shower is because Luke's girlfriend thought it was a good idea to empty a beer onto my lap.

After my shower, and I no longer smell like warm, sticky beer, I towel dry my hair and put on some pjs - a baggy t-shirt and plaid comfy pants. It's after 11P.M. but I'm not tired. I mistakenly thought the party was going okay and then I left without telling anyone, after the incident. Shit. I should text Lola. I mean, who knows if she's worried about me at all, but I feel like letting her know I'm home is the right thing to do.

Going back outside to sit on the deck, I look at my phone. The screen lights up but shows it's at five per cent. Shit.

Hey I walked home. Not sure what was up with that girl.

Lola doesn't reply but five minutes later my phone buzzes. Now it's at two per cent.

Hey it's Riss on Lola's phone. Glad you got home safe. Should have warned you about Naomi. She's a piece of work. Luke was just being nice to you, but he should have known better.

Okay. I'm still confused but I leave it alone for now. These teenagers have their whole lives here and their friendships and relationships. I'm new and nothing really makes sense. But I either have to push myself in and figure it out or be an outside all summer. I haven't decided which way I'll be going with that, yet.

It's almost midnight and my phone's dead when I decide to go back in to plug it in and try to sleep. The only bad thing about being here really is that I don't sleep well. I only sleep well in my own bed, in my dad's house. College will be an adjustment, for sure. This bed in the beach house is nice but it's different. I have been laying there til 3A.M. praying for sleep, most nights.

I'm getting to my feet when I hear something down the beach a bit. Some quiet music is playing and someone is walking, not too far down. The rest of the beach is dark and quiet.

I freeze. Who the hell is that?

I'm not sure he can see me, so I duck behind the large plant on the deck and keep looking. A moment later I'm busted as he comes closer and realizes I'm staring at him.


I jump, because his voice is deep and throws me off. Why didn't I go inside? Why am I still standing on the back deck, in the dark? Should I act like I didn't hear him and go inside? No, that's weird.

"Oh. Hi." I step out and around the pot of flowers, so I'm more visible to him.

He's walking up towards the deck and I see that he's young and tall and - oh. He has that shaggy hair that I recognized from earlier. This is the third time I've seen him today.

"Why were you.. I mean were you trying to get my attention?" he asks, staying back about five feet from the deck.

Now I see him more clearly in the light from the house. Dark hair and dark eyes. A confused expression. Handsome in a rugged way. Not exactly my usual type, but definitely attractive. My stomach does a somersault.

"No. What?" I ask back. "I was just going inside."

"You were staring at me as I was coming this way," he goes on.

"No. I wasn't."

"Okay. Whatever." He takes a step back and looks away but then meets my eyes again. "Wait. You live here?"

I just nod.

"Isn't this Dr. Shyster's house?" he asks.

At first I'm a bit freaked out that he knows this but then I remember where I am. Everyone knows everyone here.

"Yeah. My mom's married to him," I say and then shrug.

The look on his face really surprises me. He looks completely confused and then disgusted. I expect some sort of reply but he just turns and starts walking, cutting between the houses to get to the road at the front of the house. I want to go down the deck and follow him. For some reason I want to know who he is. But I know my place. I know by the way he looked at me that he's uninterested in talking to me anymore.

So I turn and go into the house, slowly letting the door latch behind me.

What a weird night.

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