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Kylo Ren is first to attack, spinning around Luke in a quick manner. Luke dodges him. Now, Ren is facing his back towards you. They clash again. Their sabers don't touch. But the sides on which they stand turn once again. You cannot make out what they're saying, all you are waiting for is one hand sign to step in. After a quick stop to the duel, Luke deactivates his lightsaber. As he lets it sink down, his hand forms into the sign. Deep breaths.
In - Hold - Out.
In - Hold - Out.
The lightsaber goes right through Luke's body, indicating it isn't him, just his projection. In the moment of shock that Ren is unable to move, you come up from behind. Faster and faster you run. The distance between him and you is big. You jump. Flying up in the air, you turn around Ren and counter his lightsaber into the ground. "You" is the only thing he says. Though, something is wrong. Confused, you watch as he doesn't fight back at all. "I've waited for this chance" he says, only then you realize that you have played into his hands, struck down to the ground. You cannot move as he ties up your hands behind your back, a Stormtrooper kicking you forward into the ship.
It didn't take long for you to be transferred to the main fleet's cells, where you stayed wordlessly for three days and three nights. Refusing to eat or drink, all you did was stare at the wall in front of you. The door opens behind you for the first time since your arrival.
"How long will it take until I can go home?" you ask, staring at the white wall. "How long will it take until you bend to my will?" Ren asks, staring at you. "I won't help you, nor join you" you reply, gulping as he puts himself in front of you. Stretching out his hand, as if you'll do it at your free will, he says: "You are the only one to ever look inside me. I simply cannot let you go like that, with that knowledge. Join me, or suffer. I will grant you one coded message back home, as long as it does not contain hints to your whereabouts." "Why are you doing this?" you whisper, staring at his gloved hand. "Because I have longed for you ever since we first met." If you don't take his hand, you might never be able to talk to Poe or Chewbacca or BB-8 or Leia again.
Your fingers twitch as you hover over the glove, slowly taking it.
Time to start the biggest act you've had to do yet.

General Hux sat in front of you, a piece of paper in hand. "Dictate what you want to say, I'll give it to the messengers who will code it so the sender is hidden.
You nod, dictating your possibly last words towards the Resistance:
"This message is for the Resistance,
from their last Jedi.
Rey, keep training well under Leia's care. I hope you complete it soon so my earlier saying stands corrected.
Finn, keep working on yourself. It is important you find your own person. Do not rely on others to make up yourself, you are your own thoughts, not others.
General Leia, Chewie, I'll do my best where I am right now. You have no need to worry about me, I am taken care of.
Dear Poe, remember our promise. Take care of BB-8, will you? I won't forgive you if he gets a single scratch under your care.
That should be it, Hux."
"Noted. Your training will begin tomorrow. I will show you to your chambers, before we leave" he says, leading the way through the long halls. Your clothing had changed from the beige and brown Resistance clothing, to a long tight dress with a tight top. A cloak falls down your shoulders, reminding someone of a bat as you take corners. One thing from the Jedi you were allowed to keep, and you chose your necklace. All it contained was one picture, from your second year at the Resistance Organization. It shows a young Poe standing next to his first X-Wing proudly. BB-8 is also in it, posing alongside Poe happily.
"Here we are" Hux says, ripping you out of your thoughts. "Thank you" you say and step inside, ready to take off the heavy cloak immediately. You close the door behind you and sigh.
It wasn't time to say anything yet. First you had to check for spying devices. You trace your hand along shelves, behind cushions, under decorations, inside lamps or books, at curtains, in the bathroom light, the medicine cabinet, inside soap containers. They could be everywhere, and they were. In total you found about eighteen voice recorders and three cameras. You fill the sink with water and drown them all in it, making sure they're definitely broken. Then you throw them away under your bed and finally take off the heavy cloak.
Just then, someone knocks on your door again. You get up and type in the code you still had to change so the door opens. Kylo Ren looks around the room without a word. "Not a fan of cloaks?" he asks, maybe trying to break the tension.
"You don't have to act like this. I'm not going to fight against you, it wouldn't benefit me. But that doesn't mean I'll subject myself to supervision at all times. That's why you're here aren't you?" you say, raising an eyebrow.
"I see that I cannot fool you. Yes, I went here because all of the cameras and voice recording devices were disabled" he sighs and shakes the hair out of his face. "It is still mandatory for you to undergo the training. And I think you can start early, with your attitude. Come with me."

A Shot In The Heart : ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now