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"All right! Shields are up, so they cannot hit us from orbit" Poe declares and you walk next to him, checking on all the stations you have built up.
"We need to send a distress signal to the Outer Rim. Use all the power we have left to do so" you order Finn and another crew member whilst passing by. "Use my personal code" Leia demands from her seat. "If there are any allies to the Resistance, it's now or never." "Rose! What do you got?" Poe changes the subject as she walks in. "Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half gutted skim speeders..."
As they keep talking about organization, you sit down next to Leia.
"Have all your wounds fully healed?" she asks. "Yes, mine did. How about yours?" you reply. "Mine as well. Do you have something to tell me?" "I'm afraid Luke might not make it here. Poe says it's suicide, but I want to face Kylo Ren with Luke or without him" you explain, wringing your hands.
"I see. You must listen to what your heart tells you. Whatever decision you make, the Force will be with you" she says, putting one hand on your shoulder. "Thank you, General." "Please. It's always been Leia to you, my child."
One of the vulptice runs over to you, it's cold, frosty fur brushing against your leg. "What's wrong, little guy?" you ask, petting it's head. It winces as dust falls from the ceiling, accompanied by the sound of shaken walls.
You get up to listen to Finn's findings too, standing next to Poe. "A battering ram cannon" Finn exclaims. "A what now?" Poe and you ask at the same time. "Miniaturized Death Star tech" Finn explains and your mood drops. "It'll crack that door open like an egg. There has to be a back way out of here, right?" Rose asks, hoping to find a quick solution. BB-8 pushes through the crowd. "BB-8, what do you got?" Poe asks immediately. C3PO follows right behind him, translating: "BB-8 has analyzed the mine's schematics. This is the only way in our out."
Thumps against the metal door indicate that your time was running up. You hear Poe's breath next to you go faster, just like yours. "Come on. We have allies" Finn starts, making everybody turn around to listen. "People believe in Leia. They'll get our message, they'll come. But we have to buy time. We gotta take out that cannon."

You on the right, Poe on the left- That's how you stepped into those old speeders. Very old. And rusty. Spitting out the red trails behind you, the thirteen of you moved forward quickly. "All right, listen up!" Poe starts his announcement. "I don't like these rust buckets and I don't like our odds, but- What the hell?- Just... just keep it tight and don't get drawn in too close 'till they roll that cannon out front!" You tried your best to keep the thing steady, but it was very hard to control due to all the rust and unsecured screws you steered.
"All right, ground forces, lay down some fire!"
With that, the salt in front of the First Order's ground forces explodes into red. But suddenly, something rises to the sky. "Fighters, break off! Come on! We gotta hold them till they pull up that cannon!" "Fuck!" you scream as one of your pedals flies off, and you are only left with the nub. "Poe, we just lost our breaks!" "That's alright, keep pushing!" he answers and you try your best to keep the speeder steady across the land, moving further towards the First Order's fighters. "Rose, you've got three right behind you!" Poe alerts. "I can't lose them!" she struggles, but surprisingly they all are blown away than Chewie and Rey, sitting in the Falcon.
"Chewie, Rey!" you cheer, forgetting for a second just how awful your situation is. "She drew them off! All of 'em!" Poe joins in, and Finn does too.
"It's heavily armored!" Rose shouts as the cannon starts up. "This is our only shot! The cannon's opening!" Finn reminds everyone behind him.
As you race against the clock and blasters hitting you, watching your teammates fall behind and explode raises an uncertainty. "Poe, I don't think we are gonna make it like this. What do we do? They're picking us all off." "I'm making my final approach, Target in sight. Guns are hot" Finn declares. "No, pull off!" Poe orders. "What!?"
"The cannon is charged! It's a suicide run! All craft, pull away!"
"No, I'm almost there!"
"Retreat, Finn! That's an order!"
As you pull off, Finn's speeder keeps on racing straight towards the cannon. You watch as Rose's races towards him, taking him right out of the cannon's radiating heat.
Your and Poe's speeder breaks apart mid flight and you angle it to the ground, sliding right into a makeshift spiderhole. Heat and wind messes up your sight and all you can do is follow Poe's towards Poe's voice, yelling at everyone to quickly escape. You stumble and reach for his hand, Poe pulling you up with ease out of the hole and covering you with his body as the cannon shoots, getting rid of the door that protects your people.
Everybody rushes inside, met with a sight you almost lost hope for. Through the burning building, Luke is making his way outside to face Kylo Ren.

All of the AT-AT's come to a halt in front of the destroyed terrain in front of them. The once white salt now red and black, accompanied by broken speeders. Everyone else rushes upstairs to the controls so they can watch more easily, but you are stuck in your position. All the salt gets blown up to pieces, red floating across the air, exploding everywhere. You cannot move, all you can do is watch until it stops. Poe is stuck next to you, a small gasp leaves his lips as Luke stays standing. You want to get up and move over, but Luke holds out one hand that holds you back with the Force. Too soon.
Finn rushes in with Rose on a carrier, screaming for a medic. "I can't leave, I have to wait here for my signal. I'm doing this so all of you can survive. Poe, don't do this" you beg as he pulls at your hand. Tears in your eyes, you rip yourself from him, now standing opposite each other. For a few seconds, the world stops as you study each others faces-
then his lips connect to yours.
"Don't you dare die. Remember our promise" he sniffs, wiping down his face. "I promise" you whisper, leaving him to stand alone as you walk to the front, Luke's signal awaiting.

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