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One of your options would be returning to the home fleet of the Resistance. No, that'd be foolish, you're most likely followed. Better would be using lightspeed, get food and fuel, try to not get caught up in something and find Poe again.
You tilt your head back and take a deep breath in and out. A loud growl from your stomach rips you out of your trance and you sigh, taking course for the best place you knew near you, Takodana.

"No, listen to me. I don't have a lot of money but fuel is still a problem, which you could solve!" you argue with the toydarian in front of you, which rolls it's eyes, then points to your fingers. "That one will do, for three gallons. Not more, not less." You take off the rings it pointed at, turning them between your fingertips. A sigh escapes your lips, but you have to agree. "Alright, a deal. You get me the fuel first though. I need to see if it isn't fake" you nod and the creature grins as you follow it out of the bar.
Once you've checked the gallons for it's credibility, you hand over your rings to the troydarian and make your way to the X-Wing. There you slowly fill it up and inspect your turbines once again, making sure that nothing was in irreparable condition.
"Do you need money?" Maz Kanata asks and you press your lips together. "Maybe... possibly. Do you mind spending me a lunch?" you ask, showing off your now empty hands. "I see. No worries, just let me hand you a drink and portion on the house" she smiles and leads you back inside. "Say, you rarely come here, alone at that. So what are you doing here, alone?" "I've lost Poe and BB-8. I don't know were either of them are, only I could escape with that ship."
"Sit around a bit longer. Maybe you'll hear their names or description show up in any gossip. I can assure you that neither are dead, that would be impossible from how I know them. Chin up, now! Get in there."

Your food was long gone and you sipped on your cup, listening in on the conversations next to you. Maybe it would've been wise to visit the home fleet first, it's not like you could somehow track Poe from where you are right now. Burying your head in your arms you lay down on the table, more than a day of stress without sleep getting to you as you drift off.
Darkness lays on top of you like a cool, smooth blanket. The relaxation of your body feels so nourishing, you could stay like this forever. All of a sudden, the weight of the blanket increases- further and further. It hugs you tighter and you struggle to breathe, the weight pushing you down further and further until there's nothing-
"Han Solo!" Maz Kanata shouts out and you awake, tripping and sliding off the table in process. You groan and rub your head, pushing yourself off of the floor again onto the bench.
As you adjust to the lighting in the room, your eyes fall onto three delinquents. "Hey Maz!" Han Solo waves, and you look down, finding BB-8 next to him. Without thinking you get up and jog over to the three, kneeling down to check up on the droid. "Solo? Why are you here- No, how have you been? And- Wait, what are you wearing?" you ask, checking out the young, dark-skinned man to Han's side. He stutters and looks at the jacket himself, Poe's jacket. "Uh- I'm- I'm Finn, first of all! And I'm guessing you mean this jacket- It belonged to Poe Dameron" he says and you squint. "Belonged? Where is he now?" you ask. "I don't know, our ship crashed" Finn answers and you grin. "Okay, he's doing fine. And who are you?" As you ask this question, you feel something weird about the girl. Could only be her unusual hairstyle, though. "Nice to meet you, I'm Rey. Is Han Solo your friend?" she introduces and shakes your hand. Han's crooked smile made it's first appearance. "You could say that... uhm- Hi Maz!"
Maz had shimmied her way through the crowd, now standing in front of the whole group. "Where's my boyfriend?"
"Chewie's working on the Falcon."
"I like that Wookiee. I assume you need something. Desperately. Let's get to it" she orders and drags us all to a table.

"So you have a map- to Skywalker himself?" Maz puts together after BB-8 finished his monologue. "You are right back in the mess."
"Maz, I need you to get this droid to Leia."
"Hm.... No. You've been running away from this fight for too long. Han. Just go home."
"Leia doesn't wanna see me."
"Please, we came here for your help" Finn tries. "What fight?" Rey asks instead. "The only fight" Maz answers. "Against the dark side. Through the ages I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith. The Empire. Today, it is the First Order. Their shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight them. All of us."
"There is no fight against the First Order. Not one we can win" Finn protests immediately, leaning forward. "Calm down buddy, why are you so panicked about it?" you say and raise your eyebrows. Finn shakes his head and looks directly at you. "Look around. There's no chance we haven't been recognized already. I bet you, the First Order is on their way right- Whats this?"
Maz corrects her goggles, then goes closer towards the young man. She crawls across the table, plates, cutlery and cups falling off.
"What are you doing? Solo? What is she doing?"
"I don't know but it ain't good."
"If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people" Maz says and you chuckle. "I could tell he's a scaredy-cat from more than just his eyes. Look at him, all he wants to do is run." "Neither of you know a thing about me. Where I am from or what I've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run."
"Hm." Maz crawls back, not showing wether she was disappointed or proud of that answer. "You see those two? They'll trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There, you can disappear." "Finn?" Rey asks, her food falling onto the plate.
"Come with me."
"What about BB-8? We're not done yet.. We have to get him back to your base."
"Good point, but if you are that scared, BB-8 can gladly stay with me as he usually would" you grin and BB-8 makes a little chirping turn.
"I can't." Finn leaves the table whilst Rey seems in shock. Just a second after, she also gets up.
You also excuse yourself and head to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of Rey and Finn arguing as you pass through. But as you come back to the table, Maz is gone. "Where did she go?" you ask Han and squish yourself behind the table again. "Downstairs I think, somewhere." Your eyes meet and you can't help but both burst out into laughter. "I can't believe I would meet you like this again" you giggle and scoot closer to Han as he puts his arm around you. "I hope your flying skills are still just like how I taught you." "Dare I say better? I came here with my X-Wing and I must say that I enjoy flying one."
"Oh really? I sure hope so. It has been far too long since I last did anything with you."
"Well, it's not like we saw each other often after the incident and Leia starting to train me. Neither of us hold a grudge, or do we?"
"I don't think so" Han replies with a soft smile and grabs another fruit. "These are good!" "How has Chewie been?" you ask, recognizing he's changing the theme and dip out of Han's arm again to sit comfortably. "Good. Got a little injury lately, but he's doing fine. Staying at the ship today." "I'm glad to hear that. Once I find Poe, we'll make sure to visit sometime again. Now I've found BB-8 at least!" you laugh and bend down towards BB-8. "I cant promise I won't be a little hurt if you chose him over me" you whisper and he chirps. You take it as a decision for him to stay with him at first and you can't help but accept it. It's not like a droid can't make it's own decisions. The people around you start getting up and hurrying outside and you follow them confused.
It all becomes clear once you step outside though, a red beam of light fleeting across the sky. "Its the Republic! The First Order, they've done it" Finn runs over and stands next to you. "Where's Rey?"
The fleet of the First Order arrives, filling up the once peaceful, clear blue sky and Maz yells at you to follow from behind, taking Chewie as well.

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