"No, please. I-I need to live." I shook my head consecutive times as I look at her eyes.

Her smile disappeared.


"Mom, trust me. E-Everything would be fine. Go . . .  go back to the hos—"

"Hospital?! I'm sick of staying in the hospital! No one's even visiting me there! No one will love me if they know I came from the hospital! No! They'll be disgusted of me! They think I'm crazy! I'm not crazy but they made me believe I'm crazy!" She fumed that made me flinch.

With a trembling hands, I grabbed my phone on the pocket and dialed number 1. Pixie can't go outside, she's alone. I don't want her to go outside.

"We will die together!" 

"Oh my god! Racle!" I heard Pixie's shock.

Fuck! No!

I don't know how I did it. All I know was the urge of protecting them from my mom and the sudden strenght I get that I pushed her out of my house and immediately locked the gate with my trembling hands as I breathe a fresh, air, panting and feeling the coldness of my body out of fear when she started banging the small gate with her fist.

"Open the door!"

I grabbed my phone that was dailing and heard my brother's curse.

"Ju-Jus . . ." I sobbed.

"Are you okay? I heard it. I'm already coming there. I talked to Pixie and she called the police. Don't worry, Miracle." I could hear his loud beeps on the line, it looks like he's on the road.

Mom's loud bangs stopped. I tried to peek at the outside using the monitor and saw her running away. I don't know what's with me that I want her to ran away as far as she can and never come back rather seeing her lying on a hospital bed, sobbing. She's still my mom afterall, I couldn't find myself watching her suffer. I just want her to live a normal life away from me and be happy alone.

I don't know if I should be thankful they didn't find mom when the police called or . . .

"What if someone's helping her without us knowing? What if someone's behind her back?" Pixie held my hand and I could feel how cold it is.

"Don't worry, I'm sure mom won't . . . harm me. I'm still her daughter." I said skeptically.

Pixie stood from the sofa and looked at me unbelievably. Justine who was calling the police again for some information turned to us while Jake stood to calm Pixie down.

"Are you out of your mind, Miracle?! She hit you and your daughter with the car and now you're saying she won't harm you?!" 

"Calm down, Pix. I'm sure we'll find her mom as soon as possible." Jake assured her.

I stood while Pixie glared at me.

"I'll rest now. I have an award to attend tomorrow."

"But, Miracle! It's not safe!"

I shook my head and gave her a smile.

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