Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We could both see how our eyes widened because of that sudden peck on the lips. I immediately pushed him and he pulled himself up too.

"You! Kids! I'll tell this to the principal!" The guard shouted.

Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me up since I was immobile for a moment. Without my consent, he dragged me out there when the guard started to climb the wire.

The guard must've forgotten he has keys to open the door in front of us.

or he just wants to experience how to climb a wall.

I pulled back for a second and tried to kick the wire the guard was climbing up to that he lost balance and fell, I laughed at that but Aiden had to pull me out there.

"You have keys you know!" I shouted a laugh unconsciously.

But I regret it when the guard realizes what I shouted. Aiden groaned out of frustration and ran while holding my wrist tight.

"I could beat that!" I shouted as we ran.

Well, this is kind of fun though.

I removed my hands off his hold and kicked his popliteal fossa that made him fall in bended knees.

"Huh! Weakling!" I teased and laughed.

He glared at me and stood. I ran away with a mocking laugh when he was about to retaliate.

"You!" He cannot finish his sentence.

I let out my tongue to tease him and turned my back on him to ran.

"Thug!" He shouted, annoyed.

"Weakling!" I shouted too as I ran while he was chasing behind me.

Many people were looking at us. We looked like highschool love— I mean, highschool siblings annoying each other as we ran on the massive strangers passing by along with the cars beeping and rushing on the street.

"Short!" He shouted.

That made me stop.

He laughed behind me because of annoyance.

I turned to him with my annoyed look. It made my blood boil that my ran changes its pace towards his.

His laugh subsided and when he noticed my direction running towards his, he changes direction too to run away from danger.

"You want a punch?!" I shouted as I try to chase him.

"I was just kidding!" He laughed.

But I'm annoyed and I know it's palpable that his laugh subsided and ran as far as he can from me. I run to chase that Weakling, I didn't care about people complaining about me nor the people I budged.

"Fuck." I cursed and fell to the ground when someone bumped into me.

Aiden laughed loud to tease me. I glared at him while he stepped closer to me as he hold his stomach, trying to suppress his laughter.

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