Chapter 42

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Trigger Warning: Mention of alarming words.


Chapter 42

"You should be at the mental hospital. Better . . . at jail." My fist once again enraged at her smile.

"Why are you mad?" Now she looked sad.

"Are you happy now that my daughter died because of you?!" I shouted as I pant.

Her sadness shifted to a smirk. I stepped backward at how she smirked at me, she looked out of her mind when she laughed but then later on . . . she sobbed and covered her face with her palms.

"I-I just did that because I-I pity her!" She cried.

"Get out!"

"She might have a mental illness like you! Like me! I'm afraid she might experience what I've been through, my daughter!" She sobbed and stepped forward but I stepped backward.

"You murderer. You made her suffer even more!" My tears fell.

"I didn't mean to make her alive! I—"

I turned my back on her with my trembling steps but she held my hands that I flinched out of fright.

"Believe me! My goal was to kill her than to make her suffer!" 

"Mom . . ." I shook my head and bowed as I covered my face with my quivering hands.

"I-I didn't mean—"

"What you did was wrong! That's a crime!"

"I did what I think is better for you and your daughter, Miracle! She needs to die or she'll suffer in this world! I-I'm afraid she might have ADHD like you! She might be bullied! Be laughed at! Be abused! You might even experience what I've been through as a mother with a child that has mental disorder, Miracle!"

"Mom, please . . ." I begged and shook my head.

"I'm here to kill you! I'll kill you so you won't grieve for your daughter's death then after that, I'll kill myself. What do you think? We won't be able to experience pain when we die, Miracle! Don't you think that's good?" Her voice seemed excited.

I looked at her and paled when she smiled at me with a glint of viciousness on her eyes as if what she's about to do thrilled her.

"No . .  ." I paled as I stepped backward.

"Hell? I'm not afraid of hell! In this world, it's already hell! Is there any worse than that? Come on, my daughter. Let's die together and end this suffering. At least in hell, no one will laugh at you! No one will talk about your mental disorder! No one will contempt who you are! You'll just cry every day in fire but that's okay because I cry here every day too! They're all satan here!" She shouted in a jolly tone as she stepped forward.

"Mom . . . I-I think you should go ba—"

My eyes widened when I saw her getting a knife from her back.

"Please, my daughter. I don't want to die with the thought you're here in this hell alone, crying without your mom. I don't want you crying, it pained me. I thought you're strong enough to live without your daughter but seeing your tears, it broke me down. Let's die and forget every thing, shall we?"

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