Caitlin Chapter 12

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"Caitlin!" I heard someone whisper my name but when I looked through Nick's door, I was hoping to hear his voice to know that he is okay, that is the only thing that matters to me at this point.

"Caitlin, over here!" I could hear a familiar voice which made me spin around to see Jon close to my face, I nearly screamed until he placed a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming, instead of screaming I slapped his left cheek for almost freaking me out.

"Ouch, watch it" Jon whispered.

"Don't sneak up on me! I still would have slapped you or anyone else who would do that!" I whispered back at him.

"Fine," Jon replied softly.

"Wait, what are you doing here at this time of night?" I asked.

"First of all, it may be night but it's six am, I didn't just come here to get slapped by you" Jon mentioned, I figured that Jon is here for another reason but I can already guess one thing, I know about his secret gay love for my brother, I don't really mind that but I don't think it is a good time at then.

"I have a strange feeling that I have to be here, something's wrong, I don't know what but I just...don't know how to explain it, but please, can I see Nick?" Jon said as it almost proved my point but I didn't want to be the one to keep secrets from my brother, but this isn't about me, it's about Nick and Jon's relationship and I want to respect that they can figure it out someday or sometime on their own. Just without me interfering.

"Well I can't get the door open, not sure if you can, besides the door is frozen cold" I mentioned to Jon, I redid the whole thing to make sure it is still solid cold, it was still there and soon I can feel Jon's presence next to me, his hands made contact and immediately jumped back.

"Yikes... that is worse than the outside of the house" Jon mentioned but left me puzzled.

"You didn't know? Before I got here a blizzard was heading over Chicago so I got here as fast as I could" Jon said which makes sense that the weather has gotten cold and into a blizzard, seems like school is no option today or a few days...who knows?

"How bad is it out there?" I asked.

"Pretty bad, the forecast says that we might end up getting twenty inches of snow" Jon answered, he quickly got out something from his pockets and held up a clipping pin, he bend the wires to undo the shape and went down on his knees, I took a few steps back for him to work on the door but when he was about to do so.

Nick's door unexpectedly opened on its own.

I just froze in place and was almost shocked to see that happen.

Jon turned around to see me and I'm pretty sure we were both thinking that it was weird.

The hairs on my arms didn't get any better, I was starting to get goosebumps and felt an unnerving chill from the base of my spine to my feet. Something isn't just wrong it feels like a warning to not go in.

Jon put the wire back in his pocket, back on his feet and went inside and before he did I grabbed his left shoulder to stop him.

"Wait" I said to halt Jon.

"What?" Jon almost spat at me, it was like this isn't what he wanted at the moment but I had the feeling to not go in, but even if I said that, it just makes Jon feel like being here was a mistake and I didn't want him to feel like he just lost respect for me.

"Be careful, I'll be right by you okay?" I said instead, the unnerving feeling being mixed with a strong nauseating feeling isn't a good mix. I didn't even want to mention what just happened to Nick and I to Jon, but I wondered if that just made Jon feel more worried for Nick and not leaving his side. I can tell that Jon has feelings for Nick and it is really easy to read since I am seeing the signs. Despite Jon's past I do feel genuinely concerned for him, he suffers a lot the same as Nick and I do which also makes me believe that he is another brother that I never wanted, even if it makes me feel like the only positive and sane person. I'm not sure about the influence of two negatives to one positive, but it may be hard to navigate to control with two troubled brothers of mine.

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