Consternated Chapter 4

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I tried to keep my right arm in pain...come on wake me up...I moved my right arm and shoulder around until I was able to inflict more pain with my left arm over it, there was more pain thankfully.

I looked up and seeing their corpses like this isn't changing anything, without any other way, either I have to run or just stay here...

"Come on..." I muttered to myself, hoping to actually get my right arm more broken in pain, I no longer seemed to care how much longer it is, to get this broken bone healed no matter how many months. I dug all four of my nails onto the top of my right shoulder, of where the visible skin is shown, so I dug my nails deep and deep enough for my nails to prick some blood and inflicting more damaging pain to myself, slowly extending the wound like a clawed animal would do with prey. I can tell that the amount of pain I'm causing is making my teeth grind tightly, my body is slightly shaking from the amount of stressful pain, the blood trickles underneath my shirt as it trails down to my pants from both the front and my back, my shirt is soaking in the self inflicted blood, my neck is tightening to the point that somehow makes me want to grab my spine and pop off my own skull from the skeleton.

I grunted and groaned from my trembling fleshy body, even if it felt like it was growing a little numb to me, I wasn't caring what else happened next...after all...I lost everything.

Accepting death is the last thing I want to do and if it is the way, I die by suicide, at least it is the only thing I can do.

I just want to die already.

Suddenly I couldn't even hear my own breathing but the beating of my heart, with my eyes closed I was awaiting the Grim Reaper to take away my soul and even if I want him to do so, I wouldn't even care if I go to heaven or hell.

"NICK!!!" I was suddenly hearing someone's voice echoing. Finally, I wasn't afraid to see their corpses walking around like zombies, but I was ready for my skin to be torn apart and die without a scream.

"NICK! It's me, Caitlin! Wake up! Please!" I can somehow even hear Caitlin, but again I didn't want to see her looking so deformed, next thing I know is that someone slapped my left cheek very hard that actually made me flinch to open my eyes...

Luther slapped my left cheek and when I saw him, he wasn't deformed, his face didn't seem to show half of his skull, there was no blood dripping from his mouth, he didn't look scared or angry...he just looked...normal. Luther stepped back a few steps away, looking at me with horror in his eyes, he placed his right hand over his mouth in shock, likely with his eyes widened like he just saw something terrifying.

I can feel Caitlin's hands over my cheeks and from the slap from Luther, my left cheek began to sting. With Caitlin in front of me, her eyes were normal but in an expression of fear, stress, worry and sadness. There was no half skeleton eye socket being visible, her beautiful brown eyes showed that she was crying for about a while, her curly dark brown and purple hair looked wild from possibly tugging onto the roots of her hair, her cheeks are bright red with red tear trails from her eyes down to her jaw, even she looked like she was about to lose everything herself.

"For god's sake, Nick! Stop hurting yourself like this! Please! Just stop scaring me!" Caitlin pleaded, a few tears trailed down her cheeks again, from the amount of crying out, she looked exhausted as she looked down and placed her head against my chest.

"" Caitlin cried as she continued to break down.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Nick?" Jon said in a nervous high pitched squeak, when he did, I was able to get a good look at him, even Jon didn't have a half deformed rotting face of his skull, although he was crying himself, he thought he was about to lose his shit from a friend who had hurt himself.

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