Meanwhile, at Houseforest Private

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Pierre POV: I can't believe Katelyn moved to Castlewood private. She and Shiho were my closest friends at this shitty school, and now that Katelyn's gone, I only have Shiho to rant about my popular crush to.

Speaking of which, I've liked this annoyingly popular guy for six freaking months now. SIX. Every single day, I long for sixth period just to be depressed because he ignores me. It's not even on purpose, he just doesn't know I exist and it's pathetic. Now that Katelyn's gone, I have one less person to scream about my pathetic love life to. His name is Garry, by the way, Gart for short.

Like why? Yes he's super talented at just about everything, and is basically the smartest person in the school, but still~ Not to mention he's super athletic and his hands are extremely pretty. EXTREMELY.

Shiho POV

Shiho sat in the corner of her classroom, internally sobbing. Her inferiority-superiority complex was flaring up again. The one that made her feel like absolute garbage compared to everyone else, but still felt better than them in some way. It was getting worse after Katelin transferred.

Mental health is fun, and we're totally not projecting or anything.

Shiho felt sad. Shiho felt angry. Shiho was a bag of meat and teenage angst. The sweet release of death was ever luring towards Shiho. Fun.

It wasn't as if Shiho was bullied or had an unhealthy childhood or family. She just kept comparing herself to others and that made her feel like she was never enough. Not to mention the fact that she grew up naturally with better grades and felt better than them in a way - especially when she saw them struggle during quiz days when she didn't even study. But that was never enough when that was still not enough to gain anyone's attention. She was a nobody, and honestly, Shiho believed that she deserved to be ignored. But that's mental health for you - one's mind is more fragile than glass, yet always desperately protected, sometimes at the cost of the owner's sanity.

Everyone except Pierre and the members of the weeb club ignored her like the nobody she was. Or the nobody she thought she was, anyways.

It's not like anyone knew her except for the articles she ghost wrote for the city newspaper under an alias, and Shiho didn't think that was enough. After all, it's not like anyone would notice her anyways. It was just one more article among dozens to read - not to mention that people rarely even read the newspaper these days.

Basically, Shiho is a miserable little cretin who has almost no friends.

*Just like the people who are writing this*

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