Re-write : Chapter 3 - New world, who dis?

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(Y/N) POV -

Pandora's actor POV -


My dear creator! Thank you for allowing me to wield the form of your friend!







Why did you make me like this?









What was I doing?

Father has given me one of the most important jobs in the tomb!

I Pandora's actor shall catalogue everything in the treasury!

Denn es ist meines Gottes Wille!


(Y/N) POV -

Everyone was staring at the 11th floor, and I saw that Aura and Mare looked too excited.

"If both of you want, you can go explore the floor" I said.

They tried to refuse, but ran off in the end.

"Uwah. This place is so relaxing" Momonga said.

"Right? I placed a lot of effort in it" I proudly said.

"Wait... You didn't spend two years just to make a copy of the 6th floor, did you?" he asked.

Le gasp!

"Momonga! How dare you. Did you seriously think this is all I made?" I said.

He chuckled and patted my head.

I was about to say something, when I saw Cocytus trying to get Aura and Mare back.

Both of them had somehow managed to get stuck on a giant tree, and Cocytus was about to hit it to get them down.

Svalinn was trying to help them, but her build wasn't of much help.

"WAIT! Cocytus! Don't attack the tree!" I shouted.

Unfortunately, I was too late.

He tried to stop, but ended up hitting the tree.

The twins fell on Svalinn, and the tree started shaking.

"Asmoday-sama. I'm sorry that I couldn't stop in time" Cocytus said with a bow.

I didn't have time to say anything to him, as the tree started shaking even more.

"Asmoday? What is wrong with the tree?" Momonga asked.

His question was answered by an AI I had made.

"Intruders detected. Activating auto battle mode" it said.

All the floor guardians surrounded us as every piece of land started changing into a more metallic look.

42nd of the 41 Supreme Beings (Overlord X Gender Neutral reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora