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You don't need to read the previous parts of the story. They are practically independent.

Things that might be confusing

1. Asmoday is (Y/N). Things happened in Teyvat and people started calling them Asmoday. They were a guy in part 1. Became genderless in part 2.

2. Raphale was the Unknown god in Teyvat. Became Asmoday's skill in Tensura after they killed her.

3. Asmoday gained the ability to re-write reality to some extent in part 3. It isn't too powerful, and they use to to make their undead army look like normal people who work in their company.

4. Bold - Creepy/Menacing

Bold + Italics - Telepathy

Italics - Thinking (Sometimes it removes the bold for no reason, so it can be telepathy too. I'll fix the errors if I find them)

Will update this is something major changes.

42nd of the 41 Supreme Beings (Overlord X Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now