chapter thirty-six. make up

Start from the beginning

I heard my heart beating in my ears as I looked at her in disbelief. She was gazing at me in what seemed like shyness. I didn't think I had ever seen that look on her face before. She looked like she was crumbling, waiting for a response. "You do?" I asked, trying not to seem so surprised but it didn't work. Lydia chuckled as she nodded, gently rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb. I bit my tongue, refusing to say what I actually wanted to say. "I really like you too." I admitted, feeling like my heart had been squeezed so tightly that I couldn't breathe anymore. Lydia looked at me in adoration before a smile formed on her face, causing her to look down.

I was in love with her.

But it wasn't the right time to say that to her. Or was it? I didn't know. But she said that she liked me, not loved me. I didn't want her to think that we were moving too fast, so I played it safe.

"So... are we back together now?" I asked, earning a look of disbelief from Lydia.

"You're lucky you're really cute." She commented before she smiled, pulling me in. I was unable to contain my happiness as she kissed me. I felt like I could walk on the moon right now. Kissing her was the best thing I had ever done. I felt like I could feel how much she liked me just by how she kissed me. I could feel how nervous she was. I could feel the effect I had on her, at least to an extent. I was just happy that I had my girl back. I was happy that she knew everything and I didn't have to keep anything from her anymore. And I was glad that we could just finally be and we didn't have to worry about anything.


It was Lydia's birthday.

It was usually the biggest party of the year but no one was here except for our friend group. Allison and Scott weren't even talking to each other because of some big fight they had at the rave. Something to do with Allison telling her Dad that Jackson was gonna be there. So the hunters were also there that night trying to catch Jackson at the same time, that being one of the reasons that our plan blew up.

"Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" Stiles asked as he stood with Scott and I on Lydia's patio poolside. Lydia was off holding a tray full of treats as she was clad in her host dress, waiting for other people to show up. It actually pained me that we were the only ones here. I knew it was because of the way she had been acting lately. The whole crying and scribbling all over the board in class, the running around the woods naked. People were freaked out by her, and now she was considered somewhat of an outcast.

"No. Seen Allison?" Scott asked.

I shook my head, "No, but we should probably tell her what Stiles found."

"I'm still kind of not sure what he found."

"I figured out it has something to do with water." Stiles informed. "You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the Kanima reacted around the pool."

Scott furrowed his brows, "So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?"

"Hated the swim team." Stiles corrected. "Specifically, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing though? What haven't we thought of?"

Just then Allison approached us, looking anything but excited. "Uh, Jackson's not here." She told us what we already knew.

I sighed, "Yeah, no one's here."

Scott shrugged, "Maybe it's just early."

Stiles scoffed, "Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town whackjob."

"Hey, watch it." I threatened lightly, Stiles putting his hands up in defense.

Allison sighed, "Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks." Allison reminded us. I nodded, glancing over to my girlfriend who was looking around hopefully.

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