"It was work, i mean i was actually not in the damn office today, getting my bob the builder on you know." Zev raised his eyebrows playfully. Jasper laughed. "And thank you, hopefully, it tastes as good as it smells."

"I'm sure it will."

Thorin opened his eyes. A smile crept onto his lips. He was glad they were doing well, and that Zev's cooking skills had improved significantly.

He wanted to communicate with Jasper and Zev, but he still hadn't decided if he would once he figured out how he would. Jasper and Zev had definitely moved on, which he was happy about. He had done his job as a part angel, bring soulmates together. But even to this day, Jasper still tried to speak with him, he'll stare into that photo Thorin left and re-live their time together. Of course over the years he's done it more sparsely, perhaps giving up hope he could hear him? And on occasion Zev would join him. Zev had seemed to make peace with Throin's departure faster than Jasper. Thorin could still read his mind, even from all the way in Hell. Zev wishes him the best, and hopes to talk to him again someday, that would have warmed Throin's heart, if he had one of course, but those feelings he was never supposed to feel in the first place, greatly appreciated Zev's thoughts.

There was a sudden frantic knock on the door. He stood up ready to fight, as he always was these days. His sword faded into sight, held tightly by the scabbard on his hip. It was a special sword, it could kill both angels and demons, Vihaan gave it to him before the war had started. He didn't like to keep the thing in his sight longer than he had to or feel the weight of it on his body. It reminded him that he was at war, and from time to time when he got a break, he enjoyed staying in this house. The home he was raised in. It held many memories.

He firmly grasped the handle of his stars as he opened the door. He began to unsheathe his sword. "Wait!" A female demon yelled. It was odd Thorin sensed no hostility, but he did sense something else. "Is it true, that you're sentient? You can feel the emotions that of which humans feel?" Thorin was quite annoyed that someone had gone out of their way to seek him out. How did she even know he was at home?

"Yes you haven't heard the announcement and the warrant they've put out for me?" His eyes were half-lidded as he spoke. He was hardly worried about the warrant or that his address was on that warrant. No one dared mess with him. It had become known that if you don't mess with him he won't mess with you.

"Well yes, but i wanted to be sure... I," She paused. Her red eyes gazed down at the floor. She was the epitome of beauty, as most incubus and succubus were. He had guessed that she was due to her beauty. Though she was dressed rather reserved for a succubus. She wore tight black pants and a torn-up stained white tank top. She looked like a mess in Thorin's opinion, and he wore no shirt for over five centuries. She tucked her hip-length black hair behind her ears. "I am too," she smiled

Thorin didn't flinch. He stared, eyes half-lidded at her smiling face. Then he shut the door. She instantly started banging on the door. "Fuck off!" Throin said in a monotone voice.

"Oh come on please, i need a friend. That's what humans call them at least. A companion in which you share similar interests and enjoy each others company in a non-sexual way." She never stopped banging on the door.

Thorin thought for a moment. He didn't need friends, he didn't want them. The whole sentient relationship thing has hardly worked out for him. The only two friends he ever had, stuck in another realm and his father was executed at the hands of the councils. Relationships have caused him nothing but pain in the end. "I don't want friends."

"But we gotta stick together... I want to help you..." Her voice was in his head. So this is her power. He thought to himself. Wait maybe she could help him. He opened and she tripped inside falling to her hands and knees.

"Crap sorry." She stood up and dusted herself off. "I want to help you overthrow the councils. I'm a full demon as I'm sure you can guess, so I can't do it alone and I know you want to." Thorin's eyes widened. He had thought about it, but he gave up when he realized there was no point. I mean what was going to do, overthrow Satan, Jesus? That's not how this works. "Now hear me out, God has a plan right. What is part of that plan right? What if we're meant to overthrow the councils and change things so it's not so black and white." She continued on with her rambling, but Thorin didn't hear her. He just thought. She actually has a point, but this war has cost me so much, is it worth possibly losing more? Maybe we can open the gate to the human realm and I can see Jasper and Zev again. Maybe we can bring peace to the realms once and for all. He looked into her eyes, though they looked to be roughly the same age, she reminded him of himself fifteen years ago, before the horrors of war and the loss of loved ones plagued his mind.

Though he had said he didn't want friends, didn't need them. He knew that any sentient relationship would ultimately end in tragedy. Their friendship was foreseeable to him. His lonely path of loss and melancholy would end. A new beginning full of hope, and the future, would start here. With the meeting of a friend.

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