Chapter Seventeen

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****Jasper's P.O.V.****

I've been taking these pills for 5 days now, and honestly, I feel a lot better. It's taking me about an hour to fall asleep, and I stay asleep, the only thing now is that I keep waking up sore.

I sat up in bed and stretched. I was at my apartment. Zev said he hasn't been feeling well. I haven't seen him for a few days. I'm worried, he won't let me see him.

I've knocked on his door but he doesn't say anything. The only reason I know he's alive is because I texted him and he sent me the sick emoji back.

But I want to take care of him if he's not feeling well.

I really miss him.

It's Friday morning winter break. This has probably been one of the most fucked winter breaks ever.

I need to get Zev back and on his feet, but he won't talk to me. I don't know why. I have to find Ezra or Levi, probably Ezra, he's closer to Zev than Levi. I want him to see if he can check on Zev.

I got ready and left my apartment. I couldn't help but walk over to Zev's door.

I knocked like I've been doing every day. "Hey, Zev. Umm, I'm going to pick up a few things from the convenience store now. I-i just thought I should let you know in case you wanna walk with me or if you need anything... um yeah. I really miss you. I want to help you get better." I rested my head against the door. "Well anyway, I'm off. I-i love you." I lingered for a second. Hoping he would say something, anything. There was no response.

I walked down the two flights of stairs and out of the complex. I felt like there was a cloud over my head. Is he ok?

I pulled out my phone and dialled Ezra. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Hey, Jasper. Why you calling me so early?"

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I ju-"

"No I'm having breakfast, just thought it was weird you were calling. You feeling better?" He was right, I usually don't call anyone before at least lunchtime.

"Yeah but, something's wrong with Zev. I haven't seen him for a few days. He won't come out of his apartment, and I left the extra key in there. I'm really worried."

"Oh, what the hell, yeah that doesn't sound like him. I can try and check on him after breakfast."

"Thanks. I'm going to the convenience store to pick up a few things, it will only take about 15 minutes. I hope he'll talk to you. I don't know what happened." It's been really lonely. Like for the past few days, it's not like I've only lost my lover, but also my best friend. We've been side by side for 4 years. It's weird waking up alone.

"I got you man. I'm sure he's ok. Don't stress too much. We'll figure this out." I heard Levi in the background asking who he was talking to. "Is ok if I tell Levi?"

"Yeah." He explained what I had just said to him.

"Thanks again Ezra."

"No problem. He's our friend too. Gotta look out for each other."

That put a smile on my face. He's right. I'm gonna talk to Zev today. And I'm gonna help him.

We hung up and i walked to the local convenience store.


I was finally back. My heart was beating fast. All the possibilities ran through my mind.

Ezra told me to meet them by the fountain. It was the centrepiece of the university plaza. It was old, but beautiful, kinda. It was the middle between our apartments and theirs.

What we do in the DarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz