The Bubbler 2.0(original story by me)

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(This is the first of the few other stories where Chloe's redemption arc rises.  Please enjoy).

On Luka and Juleka's house boat, Kitty Section is playing their music to their guest.  The guest include Alya, Nino, Alix, and recently Jack.  As Rose sings to the top of her lungs, Jack is mind blown at what his new French friends can do.  After they finish playing, Jack tells them how they did.  "Holy smokes.  That had to have been the most lit rock song I heard in awhile.  I never knew a song about unicorns can actually work well with me."  Jack said.  "That is Rose for you.  She loves unicorns."  Alya replied.  "They are just do fluffy, and cute.  Anyway, I am glad you enjoyed our band."  Rose said.  "No problem.  I have to say, you guys are a lot more fun that I expected.  I haven't have fun like this in a very long time.  Well, I have to go back to where I am staying to do some important stuff.  See you guys tomorrow at school."  Jack replied.  The gang says goodbye to Jack, as he leaves back to Chloe's hotel.  Speaking of Chloe, as Jack leaves, he notices someone looking at them from a distance.  That person then runs away after they have been spotted.  Jack is confused, but he just goes with it.  As he enters the hotel, he is greeted by John the Butler.  "Good afternoon, Mr. Jack Edgers.  How are you doing on this fine day?"  John asked.  "I am doing ok, and side note, you can just call me Jack."  Jack replied.  "Very well then."  John said.  "It's cool.  Hey, I mind asking.  Was anyone on the rooftop like the last five minutes ago?"  Jack asked.  "The only person I was aware to be up there was Madame Chloe.  Why so?"  John asked back.  Jack, now knowing the answer, replies with, "Nothing really.  I thought I saw someone up there.  Thanks for the information."  As Jack leaves to his hotel room, Lila is reading in the park.  A black car parks behind her, and the window rolls down to reveal Gabriel inside.  "So Lila, how is your progress with these bad influences?"  Gabriel asked.  "They are going smooth, sir.  Chloe so far has been strange, and by strange I mean extremely nice.  Based on what I have seen, no one believes she has actually changed.  [Told in whisper].  I guess that is because I manipulated those idiots at school into thinking that Chloe was just lying to them.  [Told not in whisper].  The fact Chloe wants to actually be a good person is honestly just pathetic.  She really thinks she can be a nice after all she has done?  Please.  No one will like, nor care about her, sir.  She is nothing, but an irredeemable waste of time.  But don't worry.  She isn't hurting your son anymore, but I know she is going to do something.  That is not the main problem I have here.  His best friend, Nino, has constantly been poisoning your son with irresponsibility.  Playing his loud music, having him do non safe things, and prompting him not to listen to you.  It makes me and probably you sick that he has suffer through all of this, and can't do a thing about it.  It is no biggie.  I intend on finishing with him today."  Lila replied.  "It impresses me how you are that caring for my son.  And these last dew days you have shown me good progress.  You succeed in this mission, and I might give you a reward you can't refuse."  Gabriel said.  "With pleasure, sir.  See you very soon."  Lila replied.  As Gabriel drives away, Natalie ask him why he is doing this.  "I am still not sure how Lila is going to help us akumatized people?"  Natalie asked.  "She is capable of sneaky talents, Natalie.  All she needs to do is break them down with her lies, and it will be easy for me to akumatized them."  Gabriel replied.

The next day, Chloe arrives to school.  She gets out of her limousine, and walks into school.  Now being a nice person, she greets people outside of school by saying Good Morning, or How are you.  Everyone ignores she because they still believe she is still a mean person.  Inside of the school, Jack is relaying his experience with Kitty Section to his friends.  Specifically Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Alix, Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien.  "The music, the movement, pretty much everything at that concert was phenomenal.  And those designs you guys had on matched the melody of the song."  Jack said.  "You can just thank Marinette.  She is the one who designed them."  Ivan replied.  "Wait?  You designed those outfits?"  Jack asked.  "Yep.  I am interested in being a fashion designer, and I even had some of my works approved by famous fashion designers.  Like Gabriel Agreste."  Marinette replied.  "Your kidding?  And you are just my age.  It looks like you have a bright future ahead of you."  Jack said.  Chloe sees the gang, and after taking a deep breath, goes to talk to them.  Alya sees Chloe approaching them.  "Well speaking of not so bright, here comes Chloe."  Alya said.  The gang turns around to see Chloe approaching.  They all are not excited, but Jack is interested considering what John told him.  "Good Morning guys."  Chloe said.  Jack, Marinette, and Adrien are the only ones who said good morning back.  " are you all doing?"  Chloe asked.  "I am doing quite fine, Chloe.  Thanks for asking"  Jack replied.  "How about you, Alya?  You look beautiful today."  Chloe said.  "Is this the part where you say I look ugly, and gossip about how gorgeous you are?"  Alya asked.  "No.  Look, I am done being mean.  It was wrong of me to treat you all like before, and I want to be a nicer person."  Chloe replied.  "Yeah, funny joke."  Alya said.  "Well........I heard you guys played a concert yesterday.  I bet it sounded like fun."  Chloe replied.  "It actually was fun, Chloe.  I think it would you love to come along."  Jack said.  "Don't waste your breath, Jack.  Chloe is just lying to us.  What about Sabrina?  Where is she?"  Alix asked Chloe.  "She is sick today, so that is why she is not here."  Chloe replied.  "Lucky her.  She won't have to be a victim of your torture."  Mylene said.  "Oh.......I guess you guys aren't comfortable with me here."  Chloe replied.  "That would be for the best."  Nino said.  Chloe leaves sad, as the other guys go to class.  Jack witnessing this, now kind of understands why Chloe was spying on them.  Wanting to talk about this, he grabs Marinette and Adrien's arms to hold them back.  "Sorry about this guys, but don't you think it was kind of harsh how they treated Chloe?  When I first arrived here she acted like a nice girl.  What gives?"  Jack asked.  "Long story short, Chloe was a rich, spoiled brat, who did awful things to us.  We couldn't stand her.  She always uses her Father's power as mayor to take control of others.  She recently has been acting better, but people don't believe her for some reason.  Even if Chloe still did bad things, I still would have care for her.  Simply because she was the only childhood friend I had."  Adrien replied.  "Hold on.......the only childhood friend?"  Jack asked.  "His Father is very obsessed with keeping Adrien safe.  It happened after his Mother passed away."  Marinette replied.  "Oh.  I didn't know your Mom died.  I am so sorry for your lose."  Jack said.  "Thanks for the care, but he is letting me go to school, so that is a good thing."  Adrien replied.  "It is weird that she was your only childhood friend. didn't have any other friends?"  Jack asked.  "That is what he told me."  Adrien replied.  "That is the strangest thing.  Well back on topic.  I feel bad that they don't see her being nice.  I mean, I thanked her for the compliment."  Jack said.  "Maybe they will see she has changed.  Or at least, soon."  Marinette replied.  "I sure hope so.  Well, we have to get to class.  We can discuss this later."  Jack said.  The three of them go to class, and sit in their seats as they enter.  As Mrs. Bustier does role call, Jack sees Chloe sitting all alone, feeling sad.  He starts to feel bad for her, since she tried so hard to be nice to him, and his friends.  Throughout the school day, he has been watching Chloe be all alone, and rejected.  During science class, they all worked on pairs.  All expect Chloe, who worked alone.  At lunch, Jack sees her try to sit with other people, but they tell her to go away.  He then sees Chloe sit all alone at a table with herself.  As the day ends, Chloe is still all alone, and sad no one liked her kindness.  The only person who showed sympathy for Chloe, was Jack.  Jack watches as Chloe leaves, but gets interrupted by his friends.  "So Jack.  We are hosting another concert after school today.  Want to join in?"  Juleka asked.  "Uhhh......sure.  I can make it.  I might be.........a few minutes late, but if you want you can start without me."  Jack replied.  "Ok.  Well Mylene is coming this time."  Nino said.  "Cool.  I will be happy to see you guys then."  Jack replied as he leaves.  Before Nino can leave, Lila decides to sprout her plan.  "Hey, Nino."  Lila said.  "Oh, hi Lila.  I didn't see you there."  Nino replied.  "So, you have any plans after school today?"  Lila asked.  "Yes.  The gang and I are going to Kitty Section's next concert."  Nino replied.  "Cool.  Did you know I meet a couple of rock bands a while ago."  Lila said.  "That is so awesome, Lila.  We did try to convince Adrien to come along, since his fencing practice is canceled this time, but he says his Dad will be mad if he goes anyway."  Nino replied.  "Oh, that is not a problem at all.  I am actually good friends with Gabriel Agreste."  Lila said.  "Wait?  You are friends with Adrien's Dad?"  Nino asked.  "Of course.  He is actually not that bad after all.  He may be scared of his son being in danger, but he is starting to feel a little overprotective by doing so.  He wants the best for his son, and he can't lock him up forever.  He told me not to tell anyone about this.  I only am telling you about this because I know how much of a good friend you are to Adrien.  And the fact you can help him have some fun in his life."  Lila replied.  "What?  You really think that?"  Nino asked.  "Obviously.  Look, just go to Adrien, and tell him that his Dad will be ok with it this time.  He is just is overreacting.  But don't tell him I said this ok?  He will get mad at me if I tell anyone."  Lila replied.  "Ok then.  Thanks Lila."  Nino said as he runs off to find Adrien.  Lila smiles, as her plan sets into motion. 

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