Too close for comfort

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     Everyone has spent some time getting to know Penelope, and by now it's getting late. I offer her a stay at our place for the night, and she accepts. I explain to her that we don't have any extra beds for her to sleep on, and offer her the couch. She agrees, and I get her a blanket and a pillow. I tell her where the bathroom is, in case she needs to use it in the middle of the night. When she gets comfortable, I turn off the lights, and head to my room. I close the door, take off all my clothes, except for my underwear, and climb into bed. Not long after, I fall asleep.

     I wake up, having to use the bathroom, and pull the covers off. I sit up, stretch, and walk to the bathroom. After I finish up my business, I flush the toilet, and head back to my room. As I'm walking back, I notice Penelope in my bed. I blush, and I'm about to leave to room to sleep on the couch, when I feel her grab my arm. "Please don't go!" She says, and I sigh in defeat. "Alright, but just this once." I say, and climb into bed with her. At first, I find it hard to sleep, but once I relax, I notice it's actually kind of comfortable.

     I wake up to the smell of pancakes. 'Ahh, Dr. K, you never fail to make pancakes.' I think to myself and get up. Penelope has other ideas though, and pulls me into a snuggle. "Just 5 more minutes..." she mutters, and I blush at how cute she looks. Then, I feel my cheeks burn as she pulls my face to her breasts. "Too close!" I shout, but it's muffled. Half of me wants away, but the other half wants to stay. I feel her wrap her tail around me, forcing us closer. If the blankets weren't covering us, it would look like we were doing... other things.

     "Your really cute, you know that?" She flirts, loosening her grip a little. "W-what? I- I mean thanks? I guess?" I say, and she giggles. "You know what I mean." She says, and pulls me into a kiss. I can't help but melt into it, I mean, this is what I wanted, right? Suddenly, I feel a viscous liquid enter my mouth, but before I have time to react, she begins filling me up with latex. 'I forgot that they do this!' I say to myself, but it's actually kind of enjoyable. She ends the kiss, and and I'm left gasping for air. I notice that all the latex is gone, and I realize that she must have taken it back. 

She finally lets go, and I begin putting on my clothes. Just in time too, as at the exact moment I finish getting dressed, Colin opens the door to check on me. Noticing Penelope is in here, he asks me why that is. I explain that I have no idea, and he says he came to make sure I was ok. I nod, and I head to join everyone for breakfast, and she follows suite. When I walk in, Nate holds his hand out, inviting me to sit next to him. Penelope sits in the chair that we never use, having it as a spare. For the first time in awhile, I felt happy.

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