The Slayers Regret

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     I manage to slip out of his grip, but I realize another hyena, this one female, in front of me. "Hehe, you thought you could get away, didn't you? Well I'm afraid your mistaken." She says, and I realize I have one option left. I have to confuse them. "Hey, did you know every 60 seconds, a minute passes in Africa?" I say, and the male hyena stops, confused. Thinking they're distracted, I try to slip away, but she blocks my way.

     "Nice try, you almost got us. Sadly, I already know that trick." She says, and I'm about to use my powers, but she puts her hand over my mouth, knocking me out. When I wake up, I notice my arms and legs are tied, and my clothes have been removed. Noticing I'm awake, the female hyena lifts my head up, and chuckles. "I think it's about time we got started." She says, and her brother enters the room. "Now beg. NOW!" She says, but I ignore her. She kicks me in the stomach, making me cough up blood. "I said BEG!" She says, but I still ignore her. She kicks me in the private's, making me cringe in pain. 

     "Last warning! BEG! And why are you grinning?" She says, not realizing the mistake she just made. "I was going off easy on you. But now that you have attacked me, I have every right to retaliate." I say, and she smiles. "What are you going to do? In case you haven't noticed you are the one at our mercy. After all, your the one with your hands and feet tied." She says, and I chuckle. "You think 2 measly ropes are going to stop me? You never had a chance! I'm going to enjoy torturing you until your left crying for your mommy! YOU HEAR ME BITCH?!" I just entered rage mode, and there's nothing left to hold me back. I float 3 inches off the ground, and with a loud *SNAP* the ropes fall off my hands and feet.

     "Now, where were we? Oh yeah, I was about to kick. Your. Ass" I say, and I pop my neck. My appearance has changed as well. The red glow on my body has intensified, and my aura is orange. I tackle them to the ground, and at this point, I've lost all control. I begin tearing the female hyena to shreds, and her begs for mercy are all the only sound you can hear, other than the sound of flesh being ripped off bone. Soon, she is but a skeleton, and I turn my head to the brother, and I see him try to run to the exit. I pounce on top of him, knocking him to the floor.

     I begin plucking off his fingers, and then his toes. I then proceed to tear off his limbs, until he is going into shock. "Oh, we're just getting started..." I say, and I use my powers to keep him conscious. I pluck out his eyes, and then I cut off his ears. I slit his throat open, and pull out his beating heart. With a sickening *SPLAT* I squish the heart, and I let it drop on the ground. I use my powers to keep him alive, when he should be dead. I then proceed to take each of his remaining organs, starting with the liver. I then pull out his intestines, followed by his pancreas, stomach, and then I cut off his balls. 

     I then crush his skull, and he finally dies. Suddenly, I hear something from behind, and Nate restrains me. I try to escape, but he's too strong. "Let... go!" I yell, and he gets off. I'm about to attack him, when he restrains me with his powers. Before my very eyes, Nate revives the hyenas, and they look at me in fear. "What have you done?! They were trying to rape me!" I say, but he just groans. "You don't get it, do you? Look at yourself, you've become a monster." He says, and a small part of me knows he right. The part of me that hasn't lost control, the one that is powerless.

    Nate walks up to me, and I try to escape, though unsuccessfully. "Neo, do me a favor. Remember. Remember our friendship. Remember everyone who you've sworn to protect. Don't lose hope, together we can do anything. Please. please..." He says, and begins crying. My aura fades, as I regain control. "I'm sorry..." I look at my hands, and begin crying. "What am I? What is wrong with me?" I say, and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Your my friend, the best I could ask for." He says, and I look up. "Your wrong. I've only been a burden on you all." I say, and I cover my face, and I begin to sob. "We're you a burden when you comforted Colin? We're you a burden when you gave us all gifts on YOUR birthday? Neo, if anything, were the ones that are a burden." He says, and I look up. "*sniff* you really think so?" I ask, and he nods. "Come on, let's go back home." He says

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