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Last night was a good night, all of us just sat in the living room watching the movie Luka picked out. I was happy just to be hanging out with them and then I started thinking. Thinking about if I'm going to be with them forever. Then a weird feeling came over me when I thought about them leaving me or us pulling away from each other. It made me very upset and sad, it was like I was lost. Then another popped into my head, do I love them? That question has been stuck in my head all night.

I lay in bed thinking over the days I have been with them and I realize that this is the most happy I have been in years. There is not a day that I can remember not smiling with them around. They make me feel safe, happy, and loved. I haven't felt loved in a long time, not since my mom was alive. Maybe I do love them. I sit up with a huff and two hands grab my waist. I forgot Ash was in my bed with me. "You have been thinking for awhile" He chuckles rubbing my hips softly. "How did you know I was thinking" I ask. "I have noticed when you think about something for while you tap your right hand against your leg" He answers. I blush and lay back down cuddling closer to him. "What we're you thinking about?" He asked.

"Have you ever loved someone?" I ask. It stays quiet for a minutes until Ash chuckles again. "Yes, I love my mom" He said. "A-Anyone else?" I whisper. "Yes, I love Matthew, Wyatt and Luka" He stopped. He didn't say my name. My heart drops and my eyes water. He lifts my chin so I look at him. "And I love you Luke" He said. I smile and hug him, he hugs me back. "Wake up!!" Luka barges into my room and I jump a little. "Good morning" Ash chuckles. Luka jumps on my bed landing on both of us. "Ow" Luka straddles my hips with a smile. "I love you too" He says with a blush on his cheeks.

I smile at him, grab the back of his neck and press our lips together. It was a shirt and sweet kiss. I pull away, and kiss Ash on his cheek. "Come on! Matthew made waffles!" Luka giggles crawling off me and off my bed. Me and Ash get up and make our way to the dining room. I go to sit but Wyatt grabs my waist pulling to him and pressing our lips together, I smile and kiss him back. "I love you as well" He mumbles after the kiss. I get yanked back and crush into a hard chest. "I love you" Matthew chuckles kissing the top of my head. I smile and sit down looking at others. I do love them, I love them a lot. "I love you guys too" I say back to all of them. They all smile at me and then we begin eating. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with them.
I know it's short but I wanted to end the book this way. This is the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the book and if you want to go check out my other book, My Sisters Boyfriends!! Thank you for reading Boys Home!
Word Count: 578

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