|/Coming to Cali\|

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I was at home, bat in hand, when the adrenaline kicked in.

"Give me your heater, Jesse" I yelled to the pitcher (coincidence I don't think)

"Your asking for it now, List" Jesse yelled right back at me

I watched closely as he winded his arm and released the ball. I waited for the perfect time to swing and, crack

All the guys watched at it swiftly made its was over the fence and into the next lot.

I ran around all the bases while the guys congratulated me on my homer

"Olivia, it's time to go" my father yelled from the other side of the fence

"Coming, dad" I said while walking i've to the boys for our last goodbye of the summer

"We'll miss you, Liv"
"Yeah why can't you just stay here?"
"When are you coming back?"

"Ok guys, give her space to breathe" Charlie said while walking up to me "I'm gonna miss you lots, Livy" (Yes, yes Charlie as in Charlie Conway) (Not only does he play hockey with Olivia he also plays some street ball with her and the boys/ Connie and Julie)

"I'm gonna miss you too Spazway, i'm gonna miss all you guys" I said while wiping my fake tears

"Our little girls all grown up" Luis added with a hand on his heart "Don't forget to call us every night"

"And no boys" Charlie winked

"Olivia, we really have to leave now" dad said while walking over to us

"Ok" I huffed

After giving all the guys one last hug, we were in the car on our way to California!

Now don't get me wrong or anything, I love my dad, but I don't like how fast he moved on from my mother

Ya see she pasted 2 years ago and my dad acts like she never existed and moved right along to a new girl, Annie Smalls, my stepmom she also has a son Scott Smalls

They were good people I guess but she could never replace my mom and Scotty well, he was great and acted like he likes me and all but last time I saw him he stayed inside all day working on some science stuff

*Time Skip next day*

"Dad, how much longer?" I complained

"Only around 5 more minutes" he said with a yawn "Can we stop in this drug store really quick"

"Of course" I really need to stretch my legs or they're gonna fall off and you can't play hockey without legs, or at least I don't think you can. 29 hours, 54 minutes from Minneapolis, Minnesota to San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, California by car might I add.

I get out and stretch then walk into the store, Vincent Drug store, with my father

"Ah hey, Bill" said the man working at the desk

"Hey Ken" my father politely replied

"Dad! Your back" I saw Scotty walk in with 2 other boys "Olivia"

"Hey Scotty" he ran and gave me a hug

"Who's this, Smalls?" said an unknown boy who winked at me

"Yeah, yeah who's she" said a different boy "Oh my- Smalls got a girl"

"What!? I'm telling Benny!" said the other one with glasses

Before they could leave my dad grab the back of their shirts

"Alan, Michael this is my daughter. Scotty's stepsister" my father objects

"Good because she's hot-" the one with glasses added before being cut of by Scotty

"Squints are you trying to get killed, plus what about Wendy" this is why I love Scotty, he knows me very well

"Yeah, yeah Wendy Peffercorn, my darling lover girl" said the other one

"Come on we still have to get a ball for Benny" Said one while hitting the other

"Hey Olivia you wanna come play with us" Scotty asked me

"No way is she gonna play with us" the glasses one said while sending daggers to Scotty

"I might just come and watch" I said knowing good and well I was gonna play


Hey loves, so tell me if y'all like it or not I still have no idea how this is gonna go so i'm wingin it. I'm sorry if you don't understand some stuff i'm from the south and I write like I talk and this is how I talk but i'm trying ok<3

-Olivia Jane

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