Chapter 17~

Depuis le début

Meanwhile, Yibo was in the hospital when as he was looking at his patients, "send in the next." he said and the door opened and another person walked in.

When Yibo saw the person his face turned ugly, "What are you doing here? Trevor."

Trevor smiled, "Now, now Yibo don't be so harsh."

Yibo was seriously considering changing jobs now, "Get lost."

But instead of doing that Trevor sat on the chair and said, "Don't you like me anymore?"

Yibo closed his eyes, "No, I don't."

"But I heard that you are still single." Trevor smirked, "Isn't it because you are still not over me?"

The audacity of this bastard makes Yibo want to forsake his profession of saving lives and take the profession of taking lives.

"Trevor, I am over you, I am single because I haven't found someone of my status." Yibo said as he looked at Trevor who had stopped smiling, "I would never fall for a beggar for you are nothing in front of me.

In looks, in studies, in achievements, and even in money, you are a failure. So tell me Trevor what part of you is likable?"

Yibo said with a mocking smirk and cold eyes with his dominant aura that made him look so superior to Trevor that even Trevor felt inferior.

"Yibo please won't you consider giving me a chance?"

Yibo asked, "why are you here? what about your job?"

Trevor cried, "I was  dating this girl Mia and I didn't know that she was my boss's fiance and my boss found us and accused me I tried to prove my innocence but he fired me it's so unfair."

Yibo had a disgusted expression Trevor does really take him for a fool Yibo knows him well enough to know that Trevor is lying he must have known that this Mia chick was her boss's fiance and yet he slept with her serves him right.

Yibo sighed, he and Trevor used to date in the past and Trevor was quite a nice guy that is until he was disowned by his parents for being good at nothing and then he started depending on Yibo.

Yibo did his best to support him but then came Caspian, Yibo's stepbrother for some reason that man can never see Yibo happy never.

So he told Trevor that he would give him a good job and a good salary if he broke up with Yibo and came by his side and this greedy bastard did that.

He didn't think twice before breaking up with Yibo and leaving him alone.

"Get out Trevor or else I will call the cops." Yibo said and when Trevor thought that Yibo won't budge he started to shiver with anxiety.

"Yibo please, I have nowhere else to go? and my parents have already announced me dead.

"Go to Caspian." Yibo knew that Trevor was trying to emotionally blackmail him but Yibo had a heart of stone he won't melt that easily.

"Yibo, please... Caspian abandoned me just because I failed... I... please I have nowhere to go."

"Then die and go to heaven," Yibo said unapologetically.

Trevor suddenly stood up and Yibo looked at him, "Yibo if you don't forgive me then I have no other option."

He said as he took out the injection and Yibo got up as well, "Calm down Trevor.

If you want to die then go somewhere else and die. Yibo thought.

"No Yibo I have wronged you and I must pay for my sins." He said before he injected himself with an unknown substance and then fell to the ground.

Yibo went beside him, "Trevor!" he called the nurse and quickly told them to perform some tests.

"What did you take?"

"Just some poison," Trevor spoke with a smile but Yibo was very very angry.

If something happened to Trevor then people might point a finger at him and this might be Caspian's idea to bring him down.

And Yibo knew that Trevor wanted him to take responsibility meaning that Trevor will be admitted to the hospital and Yibo would pay his bills and take care of him as well and If he didn't do that then Trevor can file a case on him.

A doctor's career was fragile and always under the eyes of many people one mistake and everything will be gone.

Yibo glared at Trevor and no matter how much he wanted Trevor to die, he can't let that happen in this hospital.

Author's note: SOOOOOO I want to say that the Build-up of this story is finished which means characters are introduced and you guys have an idea of the back stories and all.


And I read the comments so I just want to say that please don't think that Yibo is some fragile damsel in distress no he is not because if Zhan is going to torment him then he is going to give him equal suffering, and torture both are going to give each other a good fight.

So who is ready?

Tom and Jerry.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant