Chapter 18

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A/N - Just a reminder that the events of the season 4 finale did not take place in this AU 😊

Gabriel suppressed a groan as he rolled onto his side in the bed. The throbbing pain in his ankle was only matched by the throbbing in his head. He suspected that the injury might be starting to become infected, but he would be damned if he was going to ask Lila for any help. Outside he could hear the heavy footsteps of Lila's henchmen as they walked the perimeter. He had become used to the sound. Generally they didn't bother him, and he didn't bother them, but there was an odd comfort in the rhythm of their boots crunching on the ground in this strange confinement.

Gabriel had very little contact with the outside world. There was no phone, no computer and his only method of knowing anything was a small television in his room with poor reception, especially when it rained like it was right now. He had managed to catch the news earlier of Gabriel Incorporated battling their Miraculous Collection against Illusions and their collection at the Mayor's Hero Celebration. He hoped with all his heart that Marinette would be up to the task. He had faith in her, and he had renewed faith in Félix. If anything, the fact Lila was still badgering him for the Swiss bank code meant she hadn't gotten anywhere with Félix.

Below his window he could hear another set of footsteps - lighter and softer. It wasn't long before she invited herself into his room, dusting off a chair and plopping herself in it as she usually did. Gabriel almost looked forward to Lila's visits. Not because he enjoyed her company in any way, he just liked the opportunity to taunt her.

"You look pale Gabriel." Lila said, sounding almost annoyed. She looked at the tv screen that was showing only static.

"And you look frustrated. Are things not going to plan for you Miss Rossi?" Gabriel replied, pushing himself up the bed to sit.

"I told you before, all this could be over if you just tell me the six digit code to the bank account."

"And I recall I told you over my dead body."

Lila narrowed her eyes at him. "You really are a stubborn son of a bitch aren't you?"

Gabriel snorted. "I can imagine there have been many people over the years who have wanted to say that to me. You are completely correct of course. One does not get into my position in life without a certain stubbornness."

"So you would rather just sit here and rot rather than give me the code?" Gabriel could see he was getting on her nerves and it gave him a small sense of satisfaction.

"You really think I can't see through you Lila? All your grandstanding about how you would buy me out and how much Illusions was worth. Your whole plan hinged on using my own money to buy my company from me didn't it? Why else go to this much risk?"

Gabriel watched as Lila gritted her teeth and he knew he had hit a nerve. "You still think you're so powerful, don't you Gabriel?" Lila yelled, her temper boiling over as she stood up. "You're nothing anymore. I have your Miraculous and soon I will have control of your company and Félix." She turned abruptly and was about to exit the room.

"Do you think the Miraculous gives you power, Lila?" She paused at the doorway when Gabriel spoke, his voice more reflective and she turned her head back towards him as he continued. "I thought that once, but I can see now that I had become a prisoner of it. You can't misuse such power without its negativity affecting you."

"Are you trying to give me a warning?" She asked contemptuously.

"Merely making an observation." He retorted.

Lila scoffed. "You don't get to take the moral high ground with me Gabriel. Who were you to play God with your Frankenstein creation?"

Gabriel glared at her over his glasses. "What makes a monster Lila?" He asked. "The creation itself, or what lies in its heart?"

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